Parent Page: Research Administration id: 26948 Active Page: Resources id: 27414



The Office of Research Administration (ORA) provides faculty and staff education and resources to effectively prepare grant proposals and manage sponsored projects. Whether you are a researcher, business manager, or project coordinator, these resources are for anyone who performs duties related to grants and sponsored projects. 

Recorded Training Events 

ORA provides these training videos and slideshow presentations for your self-directed learning at the time when you need the training. Contact us for more information on customized training options.

Grants 101 Training 

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) presents a basic introduction to HSC process for submitting proposals to external funding agencies and helps identify available resources to assist you in this effort. This session provides faculty and staff with a baseline of knowledge needed to understand proposal basics.  

The OUHSC World of Grants & Contracts Workshop

The OUHSC World of Grants & Contracts Workshop is an intensive 2-day workshop covering topics related to sponsored programs. This workshop is offered by the Office of Vice President for Research (OVPR) in partnership with the Office of Research Administration (ORA), the Grants & Contracts Accounting Office (GCA), Purchasing Department, Research Integrity Office, and Office of Human Research Participant Protection (HIPPA).

SoonerTrack Training 

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) has specific procedures for the approval and submission of externally funded projects including grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, and other research related agreements. These training sessions provide faculty and staff with an understanding of the proposal routing and submission process.

Grant Writing Training 

The Office of Vice President for Research (OVPR) in partnership with the Office of Research Administration (ORA) hosts grant writing workshops for faculty who want to build their grant-writing skills. 

NIH Biosketch and Other Support Format Training 

NIH, NOT-OD-21-073 and NOT-OD-110 announced updated Biosketch and Other Support format pages and instructions for use in applications, Just-in-Time (JIT) Reports, and Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs).  These training sessions provide faculty and staff with an understanding of the requirements of both components. 

Other Training

Additional Resources 

OUHSC Quick Guide for Principal Investigators 

Roles and Responsibilities Matrix