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Office of the OUHSC Vice President for Research

State FY 24

$217.3 MILLION

State FY 24

$132.8 MILLION 


Past Newsletters 

In alignment with the University’s closure for the upcoming Winter Break, the Office of Research Administration will be closed Monday, December 23, 2024, through Wednesday, January 1, 2025.  We will reopen on Thursday, January 2, 2025, for regular business hours. All proposals with deadlines due during the Winter Break should be routed and submitted prior to closing, by December 17, 2024 to ensure timely submission.  Should you need immediate assistance during the break, please contact the office at  All other matters will be addressed when the University reopens on Thursday, January 2, 2025.


Lewis-Burke Associates, in partnership with the Department of Defense (DOD) Basic Research Office (BRO), will host a webinar on DOD research security on October 30, 2024, at 3:00 PM ET. The webinar will provide an overview of DOD's fundamental research security requirements and recent updates. The webinar will feature Dr. Jason Day, Research Policy Director at DOD, and offer an opportunity for Q&A. This webinar is open to a wide audience but is geared towards university administrators and principal investigators (PIs).

The link to register, which is required to attend, can be found here.

Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Second Annual Research Symposium 

 Registration is now open for the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences 2024 Research Symposium on Friday, November 22, 2024, at the Samis Education Center from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

We are excited to announce that Paul J. Frick, Ph.D., Professor in the Department of Psychology at Louisiana State University, will be the plenary speaker. His research presentation is titled “Developmental Pathways to Conduct Disorder: Implications of the DSM-5 Specifier ‘With Limited Prosocial Emotions.’” 

We invite all members of the OUHSC, College of Medicine to join us for this free event. Further details regarding the symposia speakers and the full agenda will be shared next month. If you're interested in attending, please register using the following link.

For any inquiries or questions about this event, please contact

OUHSC Funding Opportunities

2025 OK-INBRE Research Project Investigator Awards – Request for Proposals

Deadline: October 31, 2024

The Oklahoma IDeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence (OK-INBRE) is soliciting applications for its Research Project Investigator (RPI) award program.  The purpose of the RPI program is to foster and develop biomedical research programs designed to generate preliminary data that enhances the competitiveness of the investigator for future extramural funding.   Full-time, tenure track faculty members (or equivalent) at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences or the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation who qualify as an Early-Stage Investigator as defined by the NIH are eligible to apply.  Awarded projects will receive up to $100,000 in direct costs per year plus applicable F&A costs for up of two years.  The forms, instructions, and submission information can be found on the OK-INBRE website.  Questions regarding this OK-INBRE funding opportunity can be directed to or Dr. Mark Lang at

Presbyterian Health Foundation (PHF) Bridge Grant Program – Request for Applications

Cycle I PHF Bridge Grant Program Deadline: Monday, October 21, 2024

The primary objective of the PHF Bridge Grant Program is to provide funding to enhance OUHSC faculty competitiveness for extramural funding. OUHSC Principal Investigators are eligible if they meet the following criteria: 1) have submitted an extramural application within the past 18 months that was scored but not funded, 2) are requesting over $750,000 in total direct costs and over $200,000 in total facilities and administration (F&A) costs; and 3) received a review that ranks applications and provides critiques. This program can now provide funding for up to $75,000 for one year. Guidelines and Application Form are attached or can be found at If you have any questions, please email

Presbyterian Health Foundation (PHF) Technology Advancement Grant (TAG) Program – Request For Applications


The TAG program replaces the Equipment grant program. The primary objective of the PHF TAG program is to provide partial funding for critically needed research equipment that could be transformative for the research mission at OUHSC. This program is fully aligned with Pillar 1 of the Strategic Plan. The TAG program will proactively and with the help of a committee address campus-wide needs and fill critical gaps, with the goals to grow the research enterprise, expand innovative technology and research infrastructure, and promote addition of new cutting-edge technology on campus. Funding priority will be given to research equipment that will permit OUHSC investigators to be more competitive for external funding and provides support to multiple users. Funds may be used for equipment to be purchased as part of a recruitment package for new faculty or for equipment to support the research of current faculty. If the funds will be used for a new recruit, the recruit must have signed the offer letter with a specific start date or specific start date time frame. Equipment and/or technology funded by PHF is expected to be made available to all researchers at OUHSC, whenever possible. All OUHSC Assistant, Associate, or Full Professors are eligible to apply. Applicants are required to match requested funds. The maximum allowable budget for this program is $500,000 (PHF funding: $250,000; Applicant funding: $250,000). The minimum allowable budget for this program is $60,000 (PHF funding: $30,000; Applicant funding:  $30,000). Only one application will be accepted per investigator per year.