Parent Page: Research Support id: 26993 Active Page: Bioinformatics id: 26999



Hande Acar Kirit, Ph.D.

Senior Bioinformatics Analyst
BRC 1106-A, 975 NE 10th St. Oklahoma City, OK, 73104
When you request one of our services listed below, the initial consultation is provided free of charge and includes a discussion on the experimental design, as well as tailored suggestions specific to your project. Similarly, a final meeting to review the results of the analysis is also complimentary. Following the initial consultation, any subsequent meetings to discuss the project further will be billed at a rate of $80 per hour.

Custom Bioinformatics Services Rate = $80/hour

The effort required for each project is determined by factors such as the complexity of the experimental design, the number of samples, the number of groups for comparison, the scientific objectives, the quality of the samples, sequencing metrics, the platform used, and the specific application. Given the variability in project scope, we encourage you to contact us directly for a personalized quote by emailing

The hourly service rate price outlined here is applicable to University of Oklahoma members. An additional 20% discount will be extended to researchers affiliated with the Stephenson Cancer Center. For external academic institutions, a 43% surcharge will apply, while industrial requests will incur a 300% surcharge.

Services Offered

We have established pipelines for the analyses listed below. If you require additional information regarding any of these analyses, or an average estimated cost, please do not hesitate to reach out for further details by emailing

For analyses not listed below, we welcome you to contact us to discuss feasibility, as well as potential timelines and costs.

Bulk RNA-seq Data Analysis (~20h)

Bulk RNA-seq data analysis involves quality control of the raw sequencing data to ensure accuracy and reliability. This is followed by alignment of the reads to a reference genome or transcriptome to map the RNA sequences. Next, the data are processed to quantify gene expression levels. Differential expression analysis is then performed to identify genes that are significantly up- or down-regulated across experimental conditions. A final report will be provided that includes a brief discussion of the results as well as visualizations such as heatmaps, MA plots, and principal component analysis (PCA) to summarize and explore the results. We will carefully consider batch effects, normalization, and statistical methods to ensure robust and reproducible findings.

Please note that this service does not include functional enrichment or pathway analysis.

Proteomics Data Analysis (~6h)

Proteomics analysis involves taking the quantitative data output from the proteomics facility and performing essential normalizations and quality control checks. For a typical experiment (e.g., Control vs Treated), we identify differentially abundant proteins and generate a final report summarizing the results. This report includes visualizations such as heatmaps and principal component analysis (PCA) to help explore the data. We carefully account for batch effects, normalization, and statistical methods to ensure reliable and reproducible results. 

Please note that this service does not include functional enrichment or pathway analysis.

Pathway Analysis (~5h)

Pathway analysis involves several steps to identify relevant biological pathways associated with a set of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) or differentially abundant proteins. First, the features are mapped to known pathways using databases of KEGG, Reactome, or Gene Ontology. Statistical methods are then applied to assess whether any pathways are significantly enriched in the gene set compared to a background reference. Results are presented with visualizations such as pathway diagrams or enrichment plots.

Single-cell RNA-seq Data Analysis (~45h)

Single-cell RNA-seq data analysis involves two steps to explore gene expression at the individual cell level.

  • The first step includes quality control, preprocessing, alignment to genome, and creating the standard cell ranger output, including the raw_feature_bc_matrix (which contains every barcode from the fixed list of known barcode sequences that have at least one read. This includes background and cell-associated barcodes) and the filtered_feature_bc_matrix (which contains only detected cell-associated barcodes). Only for model or well-annotated organisms.
  • In the second step after quantification, normalization is applied to account for technical variations and cell-specific biases, followed by dimensionality reduction (e.g., PCA or t-SNE) to identify patterns of gene expression across cells. Clustering is then used to group similar cells into distinct cell types or states, and differential expression analysis identifies genes that are significantly different between clusters. Finally, the results are visualized through heatmaps, dot plots, or trajectory analysis, providing insights into cellular heterogeneity, gene expression dynamics, and potential biological processes.

Please note that this service does not include functional enrichment or pathway analysis.

Please also note that authorship may be warranted if we have provided significant assistance in the analysis of complex data types such as scRNA-seq, where the analysis involves tailored decision-making specific to your project. These types of analyses often require customized approaches and may involve literature review to identify the most appropriate solutions for your unique research needs. In such cases, the intellectual contribution of the core facility in designing, troubleshooting, and executing the analysis should be recognized through authorship.

Microbial Community Analysis (amplicon 16S or from shotgun metagenomics) (~15h)

Microbial community analysis, whether based on 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing or shotgun metagenomics, involves several steps to characterize the composition and diversity of microbial populations. For 16S amplicon sequencing, the process begins with quality control and trimming of raw sequence data, followed by the identification and classification of microbial taxa using reference databases. In shotgun metagenomics, the data are first assembled, and taxonomic profiles are generated by mapping reads to a reference genome database. Both approaches involve alpha and beta diversity analysis to assess microbial richness and community structure, followed by statistical tests to identify differentially abundant taxa between sample groups. Results are visualized through heatmaps, bar plots, and principal coordinate analysis (PCoA), providing insights into the microbial composition and ecological relationships within the samples.

WGS/WES DNA Variants Analysis (~30h)

WGS (Whole Genome Sequencing) or WES (Whole Exome Sequencing) DNA variant analysis involves several steps to detect single nucleotide variants (SNVs) from short-read sequencing data. The process begins with quality control of raw sequencing reads to assess data integrity and eliminate low-quality sequences. Next, reads are aligned to a reference genome. After alignment, variant calling is performed to identify potential SNVs, using the GATK algorithm to detect base-level variations. The resulting variants are then filtered based on quality metrics and annotated for functional impact. Results are presented in variant tables, and visualizations such as Manhattan plots and allele frequency distributions are used to further interpret the findings.

NanoString Data Analysis (~6h)

NanoString data analysis involves several steps to quantify gene expression using the NanoString platform. The process begins with quality control of raw data to assess the integrity of the measurements and remove any outliers or low-quality samples. Normalization is then applied to correct for technical variation across samples, ensuring accurate gene expression comparisons (proteoDA R package). Following normalization, differential expression analysis is performed to identify genes that are significantly up- or down-regulated between experimental conditions (limma R package). A final report will be provided that includes a brief discussion of the results as well as visualizations such as heatmaps and principal component analysis (PCA) to summarize and explore the results. We will carefully consider batch effects, normalization, and statistical methods to ensure robust and reproducible findings.

Please note that this service does not include functional enrichment or pathway analysis.

Additional Services

  • Publication-ready data plots: $50 each, includes one 15-minute meeting for any potential changes to the graph. Additional modification requests will be billed as new services.
  • Data deposition: $250 per deposition of next-generation sequencing data (e.g., transcriptomes or genomes) to a public database.
  • Analysis of sparsely annotated species/non-model organisms: $250 additional charge per analysis (not per sample).


Core facilities should be given authorship for the analysis performed when their contributions are integral to the design, execution, and interpretation of the research (see ABRF’s Authorship Guidelines). This includes when the core facility provides significant technical expertise, specialized equipment, or advanced data analysis that directly contributes to the generation and understanding of the scientific findings. Authorship acknowledges the collaborative role of the core facility staff in ensuring the quality and rigor of the data analysis, and ensures proper recognition for their expertise and the resources they provide, which are essential to the success of the project.

Authorship may be warranted if we have provided significant assistance in the analysis of complex data types such as scRNA-seq, ChIP-seq, or ATAC-seq, where the analysis involves tailored decision-making specific to your project. These types of analyses often require customized approaches and may involve literature review to identify the most appropriate solutions for your unique research needs. In such cases, the intellectual contribution of the core facility in designing, troubleshooting, and executing the analysis should be recognized through authorship.

Online Submission Instructions

Request services by logging onto the Institutional Research Core Facility site via our iLab Solutions portal:

If you do not already have an account, please click on the "Register" button in the upper right corner.

If you are an internal user, log in using your OUHSC username and password.   Once you have logged in, please request the service of your choice.  If you have any questions, please email us at


We kindly request that you acknowledge our contributions in any publication where we have provided routine analysis, data management or conversion, or data submission services. Below is a suggested template for your reference:

"We thank the Institutional Research Core Facility Bioinformatics Division at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences for providing ___________ data analysis service."