Parent Page: Policies & Forms id: 27320 Active Page: OUHSC/VA Appointments id: 27404


OUHSC/VAMC Joint Appointments

Requirements for Faculty with Joint OUHSC/VAMC Appointments and Externally Funded Research

OUHSC Faculty who hold paid appointments at OUHSC and also have a paid appointment at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) are considered to be faculty holding a joint OUHSC/VAMC appointment. This relationship is quite common between academic medical centers and VAMCs.

The federal government requires that Faculty Investigators who hold joint university and VAMC appointments annually confirm their total professional responsibility by disclosing and documenting their time spent on research and other activities at both institutions.  This disclosure is done through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) approved by appropriate individuals at both the university and VAMC.

OUHSC has developed guidance and an MOU template to aid investigators and their department administration in ensuring the MOU is completed and approved no less than annually.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between total professional effort and university effort?

The NIH defines total professional effort as the total (100 percent) professional responsibilities of an investigator for their efforts at both the university and VAMC. University effort is 100 percent of the activity funded under the OUHSC institutional base salary. The institutional base salary is the total of OUHSC salary. The percent effort proposed in a university grant application is the percent of university effort. A conversion must be made when translating the university committed effort to total professional effort for joint appointment MOU reporting purposes.

What is a VA "eighths" appointment?

VA appointments are often referred to as a VA Tour of Duty and are categorized in eighths and based on a 40 hour work week.  Each VA eighth represents 5 hours.  Example - A 5/8 VA appointment is equivalent to a 25 hour work week ((5/8)*40)=25.

Is VA salary included as part of total compensation when budgeting for OUHSC proposal submissions?

No. The salary used for OUHSC proposal submissions is an investigator’s institutional base salary. The NIH sets guidelines in determining institutional base salaries. Since salary earned from a VAMC is paid through a separate, federally-funded paycheck, this compensation is not included in the OUHSC institutional base salary.


How do you determine if compensation exceeds the NIH Salary Cap when having a joint appointment with the VA?

The salary used for university proposal submissions (institutional base salary) is the compensation used for the purpose of determining whether an investigator is over the NIH salary  

Should a joint appointment be disclosed in an application for funding?

Yes. Any faculty member holding a joint OUHSC/VAMC appointment must disclose the joint appointment in the budget justification of an application for funding.

When I certify my OUHSC effort reports do I have to report effort for my VAMC activities?

No. The OUHSC effort report is a reflection of the work performed under your OUHSC institutional base salary. Only university effort is reported on OUHSC effort reports.