Parent Page: Research Support id: 26723 Active Page: Research Integrity Training id: 26984

Research Integrity Training

Click here for Instructions on how to access the required Research Integrity training course.

*Please direct questions related to this training requirement to the Research Integrity Office: or 405-271-7755

As of February 8, 2021, OUHSC now requires all individuals who conduct or oversee research, or who are eligible to conduct research or oversee research - including managing research accounts (administrative and/or financial aspects) to complete the required training course on Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). All categories of individuals at OUHSC are included in this requirement (faculty, staff, students, residents, postdocs etc). This requirement is in addition to any other RCR training that individuals may have taken to date, and is separate from any academic program requirements for students or Postdoctoral Fellows. Please contact your supervisor or departmental business manager if you have questions regarding whether you must complete the Research Integrity training.

Please note that all Graduate College students and Postdoctoral Fellows at OUHSC, as well as all individuals conducting research in HSC labs who are appointed as trainees on NIH, NSF, AHA, or other awards, will have additional training requirements for the Responsible Conduct of Research. Those individuals should contact the Graduate College for more information.

About the Required Course: "Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)" - CITI Program

This course provides an in-depth overview of core RCR topics including data management, authorship, collaborative research, conflicts of interest, human subjects, financial responsibility, research misconduct and more. Case studies and video examples are used to supplement key concepts. Each module of the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) course consists of an introduction, basic foundation text, embedded case studies, and quiz questions.

The "Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)" course has 13 modules that can be completed individually as schedules allow; it is estimated each module will take 20 minutes to complete and each module quiz must be passed with a score of at least 80% (can be repeated until desired score is achieved). Once all 13 modules have been completed, a certificate of completion will be issued for the course.

* Please note: The "Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)" course is different from other CITI course(s) required by the Office of Human Research Participant Protection for IRB protocols.

Frequency of Training

Research Integrity training is required for all individuals at OUHSC who are eligible to conduct or oversee research activities at least every four years. This timing is modeled on National Institutes of Health (NIH) requirements. Continuing education in the responsible conduct of research is critical for maintaining the ethics and standards of research integrity.

The required Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) course from CITI Program will be valid at OUHSC for four years from the date of completion and after four years, the course will expire. CITI Program will send an email to notify users that the course is due to expire, and CITI Program will automatically enroll you in the required Refresher course; the Refresher course will automatically show up in your “Courses ready to begin” section within your CITI Program dashboard online.

Training Notifications

Provost Sanders notified the OUHSC campus on February 8, 2021, of the new Research Integrity Office and of the new mandatory Research Integrity training requirement. Anyone with an OUHSC email address can go directly to the CITI Program website, affiliate with OUHSC and then add the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) course and take the training. However, the current workflow is that each department/division is responsible for assigning Research Integrity Training (by ePAF) to individuals in their unit whose duties fit the guidelines. Once the Research Integrity Office receives the training assignment from the department, an email is sent to the individual notifying them of the training assignment and providing instructions on how to access the course and timeline for completion. Course expiration notifications and Refresher course enrollment notifications will be sent via email to individuals automatically by CITI Program.

Access to Course and Monitoring Course Completion

The OUHSC Research Integrity Office will track course completion of OUHSC employees through the CITI Program website directly, so once you complete the RCR course, no further action is required to notify the Research Integrity Office. However, you can always print and retain a copy of the completion report for your CV/resume or other records.