Parent Page: Research Support id: 33827 Active Page: OnCore Clinical Trials Management System (CTMS) id: 33046

OnCore Clinical Trials Management System (CTMS)


The Online Collaborative Research Environment (OnCore) is a comprehensive web-based clinical trial management system (CTMS). OnCore offers investigators and research coordinators a centralized application to manage the complete life cycle of a study, from start-up and pre-award activities to closure. Key features of OnCore include protocol management, subject management, financial management, biospecimen management, patient registries, safety monitoring, and reporting. 

NOTICE: Utilization of Designated Clinical Trials Management System for Clinical Research Policy released on 2025-03-25 by Vice President for Research is now available:

Frequently Asked Questions - OnCore

What is OnCore, and what is it used for?

OnCore is the Clinical Trials Management System (CTMS) used at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. It provides a centralized, comprehensive system for managing the full life cycle of a clinical trial. OnCore is a secure, web-based application and is compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.


  • Protocol Management 

    • Define staff roles; record sponsor information, treatment and disease details, participating institutions, study sites, and affiliates; document committee reviews; store consent forms; and perform general task management.
  • Subject Administration

    • Registration, eligibility verification, enrollment documentation, and status management.
  • Biospecimen Management

    • Record collection details, management of specimen inventory, tracking banking and correlative protocols, and designation of parent/child specimens.
  • Financial Management

    • Centralized storage of the research charge master, budget creation, sponsor invoicing, receipt tracking, and payment reconciliation.
  • Subject Administration

    • Registration, eligibility verification, enrollment documentation, and status management.

What are the benefits of OnCore?

  • Protection of subjects
  • Facilitation of remote monitoring
  • Improved compliance
  • Streamlined research data management
  • Standardized user training
  • Accurate institutional metrics
  • Custom reporting features
  • Access logs and audit trails
  • Efficient program and resource management
  • Centralized research portfolio
  • Integration with Epic for subject management
  • Integration with Vestigo for investigational drug management

We are also in the process of building integration frameworks between iRIS and OnCore, as well as expanding the integration between OnCore and Epic.

Does my study require the use of OnCore?

At this time, all studies meeting any of the following criteria must maintain their study protocol and patient tracking in OnCore. 

  • Study includes a billable component, irrespective of the party responsible for the charges 
  • Study involves Investigational drug or device 
  • Study includes performance of procedures at an OU Health facility, such as a lab or radiology service 
  • Study involves research-only visits in a clinical setting

As a rule of thumb, if anything in your study’s IRB protocol will require use of Epic (for anything other than for retrospective chart review or registry creation/updates), you should use OnCore for study management. 

How do I request an OnCore account/request additional permissions?

Non-Oncology Research Users: To request a new user account or to request additional permissions for an existing user, please submit an OnCore User Account Request form

  • This may be filled out by the user or by another member of their team.
  • Please indicate all roles to be added (e.g., Protocol Management, Subject Management, Financials, etc.). Your responses will be used to assign courses that must be completed in OnPoint prior to the permission being applied. 
  • New user accounts will not be created until completion of the 'Basics of OnCore' curriculum, and limited access will be granted if other trainings are not completed. 
  • Once a new user account is created, the user should receive 2 set-up emails with an activation link from the OnCore system, 1 for the OnCore training environment (for use with practice navigation, creating fake studies, etc.) and 1 for the OnCore production environment (please only use real data in this environment). 
    • The activation link will work for 24 hours. Users can log in with their OUHSC or OU Health credentials. If you do not activate within 24 hours, please reply to the ticket email to request a new activation link. Note: OnCore administrators will not be able to provide password assistance.
  • When possible, we will complete account creation and role updates within 3-5 business days. If you have not heard back or need your request expedited, please reply to the ticket to indicate trainings have been completed.
Oncology Research Users: Please contact  

How do I push my study to Epic?

Adding a new study to Epic

Once your study is ready (review the checklist below for the minimum components that  should be in your protocol prior to pushing to Epic),  you must fill out the OUHSC/OU Health Research Study Activation Questionnaire.  An Epic research analysts will use this information to activate your study in Epic. This is typically done on Fridays. If you need your study's activation in Epic expedited, please put in a ServiceNow request with OU Health IT (routed to Epic Research). 

Modifying study protocol details, adding personnel

If you add new personnel or modify other study details, such as calendar changes, arms, etc., they will sent over with the weekly push to Epic (typically on Friday). If you need changes to show up sooner, contact the OnCore administrator and request that the study be pushed to Epic again (include protocol number). 

Removing personnel

If you remove personnel or put a stop date in OnCore, this does NOT push to Epic. To remove study personnel in Epic, you should put in a ServiceNow request. 

Modifying other study profile details that aren't sent from OnCore (e.g., study contact)

Submit a ServiceNow request.

Checklist in OnCore before Pushing to Epic

  •  Staff

    PC Console > Main > Staff:

    • The staff list must be maintained with any key personnel changes with IRB in iRIS.
    • Staff to be added to OnCore include those key study personnel who will need to access the study either directly in OnCore or in Epic.
  •  NCT Number

    PC Console > Main > Details

    • If this study has an NCT #, it must be added prior to sending to Epic.
  •  IRB Number

    PC Console > Main > Details

  •  Institution & Study Site

    PC Console > Institution

    • Update to add OUHSC and any other relevant study sites.
    • Be sure to click the hyperlink for the institution(s) and select all relevant study sites. (If you are unable to register a subject, because there is no site showin gup under registration, this is likely missing).
  •  IRB Review information

    PC Console > Reviews > IRB

    • IRB Initial Approval must be entered, and this will enable protocol status updates. (If your protocol status is "NEW", this step has not been completed.) A protocol cannot be pushed to Epic without an initial approval documented.
    • IRB Continuing Reviews must be entered when relevant.
    • Major modifications including changes to the protocol or consent must be included.
  •  Protocol Status

    PC Console > Status

    • If relevant, open your study to accrual.
    • This should be updated as relevant (suspended accruals, study closure, etc.)
  •  IDE #

    PC Conosole > Main > IND/IDE

    • If relevant, the Investigation Device Exception number should be entered in OnCore.
  •  Specifications

    Forms/Calendars > Specifications

    • All studies that will have a billable component (anything in your protocol drops a charge) regardless of if it is paid for by insurance or by study must have an accurate calendar built in OnCore with charges designated appropriately on Coverage Analysis.
    • Non-Oncology users who need assistance building a calendar should reach out to to request support.


A member of my study team is not able to link orders/encounters/etc. to the study or does not have the expected access to the study in Epic: 

  1. Verify the study team member is added to the protocol in OnCore in the correct role. 
  2. If they are listed in the correct role, contact the OnCore administrator. We may need to add information to their contact to allow studies to "link" to that person.

What do I do if a study member leaves?

  1. Add a stop date for that personnel member in OnCore.
  2. Put in a ServiceNow ticket to request they be removed from study personnel in Epic (OnCore pushes new team members added, but not those removed/with a stop date). 

What information goes from OnCore to Epic and vice versa?

At this time, OnCore and Epic interface with:
  • Protocol data
  • Subject data
Details on what data points are pushed and how they are mapped are listed below.  We are also working on an interface that will automatically pull Serious Adverse Events (SAE) from Epic to OnCore. We anticipate this will be functional by Spring 2024.

Protocol Data

The following table shows which portions of a protocol are pushed from OnCore to Epic:

OnCore Page​


PC Console > Main > Details​

Protocol No.​

PC Console > Main > Details​


PC Console > Main > Details​

Short Title​

PC Console > Main > Details​

Protocol Type​

PC Console > Main > Details​

NCT Number​

PC Console > Main > Management​

IRB No.​

PC Console > Main > Management​

Internal Account No.​

PC Console > Staff > Role = ‘PI’​

Configurable identifier​

PC Console > Staff > Role(s)​

Configurable identifier​

PC Console > Status​

Protocol Status & Status Date *​

PC Console > Treatment​

Arms & Levels **​

Additional information about the study, including study contact and details about billing, any links you would like included, automated actions (if PI should receive results In Basket), etc. are added from the Research Study Activation Questionnaire that is filled out by study teams when the study is pushed the first time. 

Subject Data

The following table shows the data points that are pushed from OnCore to Epic. These details are pushed in real-time.

OnCore Page​


PC Console > Main > Details​

Protocol No.​

Subject Console > Demographics​

Subject MRN​

Subject Console > Demographics​

First, Middle, Last Name, Suffix​

Subject Console > Demographics​

Birth Date​

Subject Console > On Study​

Sequence No.​

Subject Console​

Subject Status​

Subject Console > Consent​

Earliest Consent Signed Date​

Subject Console > [various]​

Expired Date, Withdrawn Date, Off Study Date​

Subject Console > [various]​

Subject Status Date *​

Subject Console > Treatment​

Arm & Level **​

How can we use OnCore to support OUHSC and OUH billing compliance?

  • Complete a Specification/Calendar and update the billing grid in OnCore.  page. Enter the subject's consent in OnCore on the same day they consent, when possible. A subject's consented status is what triggers the patient's account for billing review, and as long as they are consented on or before the date of service, they will be reviewed.
  • Document subject visits as having occurred in the Subject Console calendar within 1 business day of occurrence.
  • Please note the billing review team will typically review these charges within 1-2 business days of the service to ensure prompt processing. 
  • The dates of service should match the dates entered in OnCore. 
  • Even if all activities associated with the study are routine or fall under the "standard of care" and are billable to the patient or insurance, the research billing team must be able to easily identify charges related to the study and apply the appropriate modifier (e.g., 'Q0', 'Q1', or adding NCT# to claims).
  • If any charges are to be billed to a sponsor, this should be reflected in OnCore based on the date of service. Appropriate places to note charge routing are in the coverage analysis and the billing grid. Failure to accurately designate charges that should be billed to the sponsor can lead to improper billing of the patient or duplication of charges (i.e., fraudulent charges). 
  • Respond promptly to inquiries from the OUH Research Billing Review team regarding visits or patient encounter activities. 

Please refer to OnCore Training Resources page for additional details on Subject Management (documenting visits in OnCore) and Calendars/Specifications, and other tasks.

Please refer to the tip sheet in Epic for instructions on linking the encounter/order/service to the study (Hit F1 in Epic).

Contacts for research billing and compliance: – Director, Office of Compliance– OUHSC – Healthcare Billing Compliance Manager -  OU Tulsa - School of Community Medicine – Senior Manager, Charge Review – OUH 

Who should access OnCore for my study?

Whoever will be entering data into OnCore, and those who may use OnCore to monitor study details need access. Most frequent users of OnCore include Research Coordinators and Research Nurses.  

Studies should have sufficient staff to do the following:

  1. Create and maintain study protocols
  2. Add and update IRB reviews, as needed
  3. Create calendars, add procedures associated with study visit timeline
  4. Modify coverage analysis to designate which study-associated procedures should be bill to insurance vs. bill to research (or not billable).
  5. Manage subjects including: 
    • Registration
    • Documenting consent, eligibility, on study, on treatment, on follow-up dates
    • Document study visits after they have occurred and which procedures occurred during that visit 
  6. Optionally: generate invoices to sponsor using charges and visits documented in OnCore.

Frequent users of OnCore typically include Research Coordinators and Research Nurses. Some teams also include staff who work on financials, including invoicing, coverage analysis, etc. 

Study teams are not typically required to obtain OnCore training and access for all Key Study Personnel (KSP).

Help!? (Common Troubleshooting Issues in OnCore)

Subject Management

Problem: When I try to register my subject, I can't select a study site.

Fix: Go to PC Console > Institutions > click the institution name > Study Sites, and make sure at least one study site is checked (Update, check appropriate box(es)). 

Problem: I have successfully registered subjects previously, but I have a subject that is not appearing when I search their MRN to register.

Fix: If this patient is a VIP or has an otherwise restricted record, they will not be able to automatically pull from Epic. Email with details, and we can manually add their record.

Problem: I've registered my subject, but I'm getting an error when trying to add a consent form

Fix: Check the following: 

PC Console > Reviews > IRB -- each IRB review should include at least one consent version. If not, click 'Edit' and add a consent to the review. 

The consent you're trying to add might be in the wrong date range. If the subject was consented prior to the most recent continuing review, click the plus ('+') sign next to the consent name to pull up different versions of the consent, and choose one in a valid date range for the consent date.

Problem: I need to register the same patient the second time for a new registration, but OnCore won’t let me

Fix: Go to PC Console > Management, and click the ‘Allow Duplicate Enrollment?’ checkbox to allow for multiple enrollments of the same patient.

Study Management

Problem: My study is activated in Epic, but I am not able to access it or add patients to it.


  1. Verify all parties who need to access the study in Epic are added in a relevant role (e.g., Principal Investigator, Research Coordinator, Research Nurse, etc.).
  2. If person without access is listed on that study in an appropriate role, contact with the protocol number and staff member.
  3. If not, add the person with the appropriate role (note: Protocol Creator is not a role that pushes to Epic), and email with the protocol number, and request that the study be re-pushed to Epic.


Problem: I have created a calendar, but I can’t access it on the Subject Console.

Fix: If your calendar is ready, go to Menu > Forms/Calendars > Specifications > Protocol Specifications and select the protocol number for the study in question. Click “Calendar”, and select arm(s) from the dropdown box. If the calendar is still in new/unreleased status, click the “Complete” button and then the “Release” button. This releases the calendar for use with subjects.

If you need a new version of the calendar after it has been attached to subjects, follow the same procedure, and instead of “Complete” or “Release”, there should be a “New Version” button. When that version is ready, you can also complete and release it.  If you wish to change existing subjects to the new version of the calendar, you can either change this on their individual Subject Console > Calendar or change many/all at once using the CRA Console.  

Who can I contact with questions about OnCore?

For general questions or concerns related to OnCore, please email the CTMS support team at  This inbox is monitored by both oncology and non-oncology OnCore administrators and support staff. 

For Oncology workflow or study-specific questions, please contact

Note: please do not include PHI in the communication.