Parent Page: Research Support id: 26996 Active Page: Brightfield microscopy id: 29535

Nikon TE2000 microscope


Nikon TE2000


The Nikon TE2000-E is an inverted epi-fluorescent microscoped with X-Y-Z control stage and environmental temperature control with a CO2 chamber. The high precision motorized focus and vibration free optical path changeover mechanism that facilitates fast image capture in 3D.



  • X-Cite 120W lamp for fluorescence light source
  • Lamda 10-2 excitation and emission filter wheels
  • ASI motorized X-Y stage
  • Environmental chamber with CO2 control
  • Photometrics Cool Snap ES monochrome digital camera
  • Retiga ATI color digital camera


  • 10x Plan Fluor NA 0.3 dry
  • 20x Plan Fluor NA 0.45 dry
  • 40x Plan Fluor NA 0.60 dry
  • 60x Plan Fluor NA 1.4 oil immersion
  • 100x Plan Fluor NA 1.4 oil immersion
  • Metamorph Software
Rates OUHSC External Industry
Services with operator assistance $40/ hour $80/ hour $120/ hour
Services without operator assistance (must be trained) $20/ hour $40/ hour $60/ hour
Cancellation Charges (less than 24-hour notice) $35.00    


For online scheduling navigate to iLabs for the core login page:

Minimum appointment time is 15 minutes and anything longer than 4 hours needs approval.

Any problems with iLab calendar read the help manuals below:

SAFE OPERATING PRACTICES (read before using equipment)

SOP for Nikon TE2000



NIH Image - Free image processing and analysis program for Macintosh and Microsoft Windows 95 & NT.
Invitrogen SpectraViewer- For help in choosing fluorochomes.

MetaMorph software manual