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Research Incentive Program

Research Incentive Program Instructions

Research Incentive Program Form 

Research Incentive Program Memo and Policy

Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost


To:                   OU Health Sciences Faculty
From:               Gary E. Raskob, Ph.D.,
Senior Vice President and Provost
Acting Vice President for Research
Date:               June 27, 2024
Subject:           Announcement of New Research Incentive Program

I am pleased to announce the launch of the new Health Sciences Research Incentive Program, effective July 1, 2024.  This program is designed to support and reward our faculty’s efforts in securing high-level research funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other federal agencies. This incentive program underscores our commitment to fostering vibrant research environments, leading health innovation, and encouraging outstanding research contributions from our faculty.

The Research Incentive Program offers one-time financial incentives for faculty who achieve significant research milestones. Key highlights include:

  • New NIH R01 or Equivalent Awards: Faculty with existing NIH R01 or R01 equivalent awards who secure a new NIH R01 or R01 equivalent grant are eligible to receive a $10,000 incentive.
  • Renewal of NIH R01 or Equivalent Awards: Faculty with an existing R01 or equivalent grant who successfully renew their award will also be eligible for a $10,000 incentive.
  • T32 Awards: Faculty with a newly awarded or competitively renewed T32 grants will be eligible for a $15,000 incentive.
  • F Awards and Supplemental Training Grant Awards: New F30/31/32/NSF and supplemental training grant awards will result in a $15,000 incentive. For these awards, the mentor is eligible to receive a $10,000 incentive and the trainee is eligible to receive a $5,000 incentive.
  • K Awards: K01, K08, K23, and K25 awards will result in eligibility for a $15,000 incentive. For K awards, the PI is eligible to receive a $10,000 incentive and the primary mentor $5,000.
  • Large Federal Awards: Faculty who are the principal investigators on new NIH or other federal awards totaling $5 million or more are eligible to receive a $25,000 incentive.

Eligibility for this program is included in the policy. This research incentive program is retroactive for qualifying awards from January 1, 2024, through June 30, 2024.

For more details on the Research Incentive Program and the process to request incentive payments, please refer to the attached policy document. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at 

We are excited to see the innovative research projects that will emerge from this initiative and look forward to celebrating your continued success in securing significant research funding.