Parent Page: Research Administration id: 27121 Active Page: Internal Deadlines id: 27303

Internal University Deadlines

The Office of Research Administration must receive finalized proposals for review three business days before the sponsor’s due date. All routing and approvals must be completed in SoonerTrack before the 3-day deadline. See the policy here

It is imperative that submissions are received in advance to ensure that the University has sufficient time to review all proposals.

Principal Investigators (PD/PI) and Departmental Administrators are responsible for incorporating the Internal University Deadline into their submission process.

Calculate Your Submission Processing Timeline (MM/DD/YYYY)

Your Processing Timeline Due to Pre-Award
1. Provide a Draft Budget and Justification for an Optional Budget Review
2. Submit Final Documents for Submission

Sponsor Deadlines

Each program announcement and sponsor utilize specific due dates for proposals. This deadline is in addition to any Internal University Deadlines.

Deadlines are included in the individual funding announcement. Please consult with your Sponsored Programs Administrator (SPA) if there are questions on the exact submission deadline