Core facilities should be given authorship for the analysis performed when their contributions are integral to the design, execution, and interpretation of the research (see ABRF’s Authorship Guidelines). This includes when the core facility provides significant technical expertise, specialized equipment, or advanced data analysis that directly contributes to the generation and understanding of the scientific findings. Authorship acknowledges the collaborative role of the core facility staff in ensuring the quality and rigor of the data analysis, and ensures proper recognition for their expertise and the resources they provide, which are essential to the success of the project.
Authorship may be warranted if we have provided significant assistance in the analysis of complex data types such as scRNA-seq, ChIP-seq, or ATAC-seq, where the analysis involves tailored decision-making specific to your project. These types of analyses often require customized approaches and may involve literature review to identify the most appropriate solutions for your unique research needs. In such cases, the intellectual contribution of the core facility in designing, troubleshooting, and executing the analysis should be recognized through authorship.