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Research News – Monday, April 22, 2024

Published: Monday, April 22, 2024

NEWS! One Scientist Neglected His Grant Reports. Now U.S. Agencies Are Withholding Grants for an Entire University.
Notices and Reminders
NIH is implementing multiple changes that will impact the preparation and peer review of most grant applications submitted to NIH for due dates on or after January 25, 2025.
Workshops and Seminars
An Introduction to HELIOS Open Scholarship
Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. CT
Please join us to learn more about the Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship (HELIOS Open) and its importance to research at OU from a panel of experts working in this area. HELIOS Open seeks to promote a more transparent, inclusive, and trustworthy research ecosystem. Panelists include Danny Anderson, President Emeritus of Trinity University, Geeta Swamy, HELIOS Open Strategic Lead & Duke University Associate Vice President for Research & Vice Dean for Science Integrity, and Caitlin Carter, HELIOS Open Program Manager. There will be time for Q & A with the panelists following the presentation. This program is hosted by the OU HELIOS Advisory Council.
Event Venue/Location: Zoom link will be provided after registration. 
Point of contact: Sarah Robbins,
Data Science Workshop will be on April 26 at noon via Zoom:
Speaker: Jindal Shah, Associate Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State 
Title: A Tutorial on Ensemble-Based Machine Learning Model
Abstract: In this hands-on tutorial, we will discuss decision tree-based machine learning models by first providing a basic understanding of the algorithm for determining a decision tree. We will then show how decision-tree models can be improved through random forest models, which combine outputs of multiple decision trees. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to work on developing a decision-tree model using the Python library scikit-learn and Google Colab as the Python interface.
2024 Web of Life Conference
Date: 4/25/2024 - 4/26/2024
Location: Nicholson Auditorium, 1000 NE 13th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Description: Major diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, obesity, aging, and neurodegeneration are often studied and treated in isolation. Yet, each of them may be related, causally or otherwise, to one another. Therefore, facilitating crosstalk among these is expected to foster multidisciplinary collaboration and drive innovative and effective solutions.
The two-day Web of Life Conference will be hosted for the first time by the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in April 2024. To realize the full potential of team science, we are bringing stalwarts from disparate yet connected fields such as cancer, diabetes, ageing bioengineering, and neurodegeneration to unite them under the common theme - “Web of Life: Connecting the Dots.” This collaboration will significantly impact and improve the way we engage communities, treat patients, foster collaboration, and facilitate groundbreaking discoveries.
OUHSC Funding Opportunities
The Pew Biomedical Scholars program provides funding to young investigators of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health. The program awards grants to selected academic institutions to support the independent research of outstanding individuals who are in their first few years of their appointment at the Assistant Professor level. The 2025 award will be in the amount of $300,000 ($75,000 per year for four years). Eligible faculty are invited to submit an internal pre-proposal via email to by 5 pm on May 6, 2024. Details can be found in the attached announcement.
Harold Hamm Diabetes Center invites researchers to submit diabetes-related travel applications for funding consideration to the HHDC Grant Program.
HHDC Travel Reimbursement: up to $2,500
  1. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Please see attached HHDC Travel Reimbursement form for additional requirements and guidelines.
  2. Applications are due no less than 60 days prior to the first day of travel.
For questions, please contact
Oklahoma Biotech Startup Programs Concept Program
OKBioStart Program is a grant-funded, multi-institutional program for innovators, founders, and the life science community in the greater Oklahoma City ten-county region that accelerates the translation of innovative concepts into commercially viable life sciences (Biotech, MedTech, or Virtual Health) technologies.  See program announcement attached for specific deadline dates associated with each program.
Center for Indigenous Resilience, Culture, and Maternal Health Equity (CIRCLE) Request for Letters of Intent: Pilot Projects
Description: The CIRCLE Pilot Projects program seeks to support novel clinical and translational ideas that impact the understanding and solution of Indigenous maternal mortality and morbidity (MMM) or maternal health disparities. This program will support proposals designed to generate preliminary data that enhances the competitiveness of the investigators for extramural funding while furthering our understanding of MMM to improve maternal health outcomes for Indigenous mothers in Oklahoma and the Southern Plains. CIRCLE plans to fund up to 4 pilot projects in 2024 for up to $25,000 each.
Deadline for Letters of Intent: May 1, 2024
Link to the Full Announcement: Please see attached (CIRCLE pilot project application 2024)
Office of Technology Commercialization presents the following opportunity for
Office of Technology Commercialization presents the following opportunity for researchers to engage with industry (click here for more information, or email or  
An American pharmaceutical company focused on rare diseases seeks novel therapeutics with defined target, mechanism of action and proven efficacy for non-malignant hematological diseases.  Modalities of interest include small molecule, RNA-based, proteins/peptides and antibodies.  Therapeutics that act on SPHK1, HRI, BCL11A and ALAS2 are of particular interest.  Out of scope:  cell and gene therapies, repurposed or reformulated drugs, and treatments that act on LRF/SBTB7A, EED complex, LSD1, HIF-PHIs and TcRNs.   Submission entails a one-page 200-300 word non-confidential brief.  Deadline May 20th.
LifeArc, a non-profit medical research organization, is seeking innovative proposals to boost drug repurposing in motor neuron disease.  Approaches of interest include preclinical stage research with a repurposed drug or drug combination.  Submission of an Expression of Interest form is required as part of the application process; more information can be found at the LifeArc – Drug Repurposing in MND.    
Deadline May 10th.
NOTE: When only one application is allowed per Institution according to the sponsor instructions, a one-page letter of intent summarizing the proposed project should be submitted to the Vice President for Research at least two months prior to the application deadline (unless otherwise noted).  The letters of intent will be reviewed and a single application will be chosen for submission from the University.
NIH Funding Opportunities
Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards (Emergency Supplement - Clinical Trial Optional) (PA-24-201)
Application Deadline: See the Emergency Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) for any applicable Application Due Dates.

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