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Research News – Monday, January 6, 2025

Published: Monday, January 6, 2025



The HSC Conflicts of Interest Office is pleased to announce the implementation of a new system for managing annual conflict of interest disclosures.
The Navex Disclosure Management system will go live for OU Health Sciences at the beginning of February and will be the system of record for all annual HSC employee conflict of interest disclosures. 
The Conflicts of Interest Office will be retiring the REDCap system for annual disclosures. 
All University employees will be required to complete a new annual disclosure in the Navex system during the month of February, regardless of the date of the employee’s last disclosure submitted in REDCap.
Summary of Changes
  • HSC will transition from REDCap to the Navex Disclosure Management system for employee annual COI disclosures.
  • All employees will be required to complete a new COI disclosure during the month of February 2025.
IMPORTANT NIH:  Preparing for 2025 Applications and Review Changes – Tips and Resources
Upcoming "Community Days" on NIH Security Best Practices for Users of Controlled-Access Data
The NIH Office of the Chief Information Officer and the NIH Office of Science Policy are hosting virtual “NIH Community Days” to discuss security best practices for Approved Users of NIH controlled-access data under the GDS Policy that maintain such data on institutional IT systems and third-party computing infrastructures, ahead of the January 25, 2025, implementation of updated security standards
Scheduled for January 8 and January 10, 2025, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. ET, these sessions are open to all researchers and institutional officials who are planning to request or already have access to genomic controlled-access data subject to the NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy. Registration is required. Please use the links in the flyer for each day of the event to complete registration. ASL will be provided at the events.
The webinars will provide an overview of the new requirements outlined in NOT-OD-24-157 and related Frequently Asked Questions, including details on how organizations can comply with the requirements. Participants and their institutions are encouraged to submit questions for the webinars to by December 27, 2024, to ensure answers are available during the informational sessions.
Please assist us in sharing the attached promotional materials with anyone who may be interested in attending.
IMPORTANT ORA Reminder: Completing SoonerTrack II Request Forms for Independent Contractor Agreements (ICA)
Please completely fill out the form.  The following items are very important:
  1.  A Scope of Work (SOW) document specific to the ICA.  The document should only include the Scope of Work.
  2. Indicate what kind of payment arrangement is being used:
  1. Based on Milestones (items in SOW)
  2. Flat Fee (one time payment)
  3. A Fee Schedule (itemized list of charges)
  4. Rate, such as monthly
  1. In the Additional Information box please include the contact information where you would like invoices to be sent.  The name of the person to email and/or address to mail.
  2. Please make sure you have reviewed and correctly answered the items in the Request Form.
Request Forms that are not completed as instructed will be returned.
UPDATE to NIH required Data Management and Sharing Plan language.  
Just a reminder that the following language should be included in all NIH DMSPs submitted:
 The Principal Investigator (PI) for this project, Dr. ABC, will ensure that this Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Plan is followed. The PI will be responsible for oversight of compliance with the accepted DMS Plan. Compliance will be evaluated annually during the award period by [insert name and title of the Authorized Official submitting the application] and progress towards the plan’s DMS activities will be included in the annual Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) submitted to the National Institute of XXXX Project Officer. At the project conclusion, the final progress report will summarize how the DMS objectives were fulfilled and provide links to the shared dataset(s).”
IMPORTANT REMINDER: NIH Guidance on Communicating and Acknowledging Federal Funding
Recipients should only acknowledge NIH awards on publications and other statements when the activities that contributed to that publication 1) directly arise from the award; and 2) are within the scope of the award being acknowledged.  When considering whether acknowledgement is necessary, ask yourself:
Did the personnel activity supported by the award contribute to the publication?
Did the award support the conduct of experiments or the analysis of data that contributed to the publication?
Is there a clear and apparent link between the work described in the publication with the aims and objectives of the grant?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, cite the appropriate NIH support.
Each publication, press release, or other document about research supported by an NIH grant must include:
An acknowledgment of NIH grant support such as: "Research reported in this [publication, release] was supported by [name of the Institute, Center, or other funding component] of the National Institutes of Health under grant number [specific NIH grant number in this format: R01GM012345]."
A disclaimer that says: "The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health."
NIH requires recipients to adhere to the requirements of the Steven's Amendment Public Law 101-166, Section 511, which states that HHS recipients must acknowledge Federal funding when issuing statements, press releases, requests for proposals, bid invitations, and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part with Federal money.   Recipients are required to state 1) the percentage and dollar amounts of the total program or project costs financed with Federal money and (2) the dollar amount of the total costs financed by nongovernmental sources, only for NIH programs that require cost-sharing (NIH GPS 4.2.1). 
If the recipient plans to issue a press release about research supported by an NIH grant, it should notify the NIH funding component in advance to allow for coordination. See for media contact information.  For more information on acknowledging federal funding, please visit the NIH Grants Policy Statement 8.2.1 and the NIH Guidance.


Save the Date Stewart Wolf Research Day 2025 on May 16, 2025. This event is for trainees to highlight their research from the DOM, and consists of poster and oral presentations, abstract submissions, and a keynote speaker. Please see the attached flyer.
October 10, 2024                          Abstract Submission Opens
March 19, 2025 at 11:59 PM           Abstract Submission Deadline
April 16, 2025                                     Notifications Sent to Presenters about Poster and/or Oral Presentations
May 1, 2025                                        Deadline for Copy of Posters and Oral Presentations to be Submitted
May 16, 2025                                     Stewart Wolf Day Events
For any inquiries or questions about this event, please contact


Harold Hamm Diabetes Center invites researchers to submit diabetes-related projects for funding consideration to the HHDC Grant Program. Diabetes projects aimed specifically at collaboration between researchers in diabetes and cancer are invited to submit proposals to the HHDC-SCC cancer-related diabetes Grant Program.
The Harold Hamm Diabetes Center (HHDC) is pleased to announce funding opportunities for diabetes grants for 2025. The HHDC will consider funding seven types of proposals, including a new funding opportunity, the I2 Impact & Innovation Award.  In addition, HHDC will consider: Team Science, Novel Pilot Projects, Novel Pilot Projects for Post-Docs, Bridge Funding, Equipment Grants and Travel Reimbursement proposals. Additionally, in partnership with the Stephenson Cancer Center, there are two HHDC-SCC mechanisms for Team Science and Novel Pilot Projects.
HHDC I2 Impact & Innovation Award: $300,000 per year for up to 2 years
HHDC Team Science: $100,000 per year for up to 3 years
HHDC Novel Pilot Project: $70,000 per year for up to 2 years
HHDC Novel Pilot Project for Post-Docs: $70,000 per year for up to 2 years
HHDC Bridge: $100,000 for 1 year
HHDC Equipment: up to $250,000
HHDC Travel Reimbursement: up to $2,500 – Note that these are now accepted
            on a rolling basis, without a fixed due date.
HHDC-SCC Team Science: $100,000 per year for up to 3 years
HHDC-SCC Novel Pilot Project: $70,000 per year for up to 2 years
  1. Letter of Intent to, DUE by 5PM January 13, 2025.  Please see attached LOIs for proposal-specific instructions. Note: Travel Reimbursement applicants do not need to submit a LOI, and have a rolling submission deadline.
  2. Full Application candidates will be notified by January 31, 2025, if selected for full application to this program.  Selected applicants will need to submit a complete routed and signed application to for review by an HHDC review panel, DUE BY 5PM, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2025.
For questions, please contact
Thank you and best of luck for your upcoming LOI and full application submissions!
Presbyterian Health Foundation (PHF) Technology Advancement Grant (TAG) Program – Request For Applications
The TAG program replaces the Equipment grant program. The primary objective of the PHF TAG program is to provide partial funding for critically needed research equipment that could be transformative for the research mission at OUHSC. This program is fully aligned with Pillar 1 of the Strategic Plan. The TAG program will proactively and with the help of a committee address campus-wide needs and fill critical gaps, with the goals to grow the research enterprise, expand innovative technology and research infrastructure, and promote addition of new cutting-edge technology on campus. Funding priority will be given to research equipment that will permit OUHSC investigators to be more competitive for external funding and provides support to multiple users. Funds may be used for equipment to be purchased as part of a recruitment package for new faculty or for equipment to support the research of current faculty. If the funds will be used for a new recruit, the recruit must have signed the offer letter with a specific start date or specific start date time frame. Equipment and/or technology funded by PHF is expected to be made available to all researchers at OUHSC, whenever possible. All OUHSC Assistant, Associate, or Full Professors are eligible to apply. Applicants are required to match requested funds. The maximum allowable budget for this program is $500,000 (PHF funding: $250,000; Applicant funding: $250,000). The minimum allowable budget for this program is $60,000 (PHF funding: $30,000; Applicant funding:  $30,000). Only one application will be accepted per investigator per year.


NOTE: When only one application is allowed per Institution according to the sponsor instructions, please send a copy of the guidelines to as soon as the PI or department is aware of limited eligibility. ORA will review and provide further instructions regarding next steps in the process.


Planning for Product Development Strategy (R34 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (PAR-25-099)
Application Deadline:  March 13, 2025
Cutting-Edge Basic Research Awards (CEBRA) (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) (PAR-25-101)
Application Deadline:  March 10, 2025
Early Immune System Development and Ontogeny (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) (PAR-25-362)
Application Deadline:  May 07, 2025


Engagement Opportunity: ARPA-H Launches Emerging Health Innovators (EHI) Initiative
The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) announced the Emerging Health Innovators (EHI) Initiative in September. EHI aims to engage, identify, and fund early career investigators and community innovators to ultimately increase access to federal funding and bridge existing healthcare gaps across the United States. Based on the results of EHI’s Network Survey, which gathered input from the research community to identify research topics and technologies that the community is working on, ARPA-H plans to launch a new EHI solicitation with two tracks:
  1. Technology-driven Innovation (Track 1): “supports early career investigators in developing innovative health technologies;”
  2. Community-enter Innovation (Track 2): “empowers community innovators to develop technology that addresses specific community needs."
ARPA-H plans to release the EHI Innovative Solutions Opening (ISO) in December 2024.
In anticipation of the upcoming solicitation, ARPA-H is hosting a virtual proposers’ day on January 8, 2025, from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM EDT. While attendance at the proposers’ days is not required for submission to the upcoming solicitation, attendance is encouraged. Attendees will gain further insight into EHI’s goals, the scope of the initiative, and the details surrounding the upcoming solicitation, including when and how to propose. Registration for the proposers’ day will close on January 6, 2025, at 12:00 PM EDT, or whenever capacity is reached. Registration for the proposers’ day is required and is available here.
Telligen Community Initiative – Oklahoma Deadline  March 03, 2025
OCASCR Grant:  Deadline January 24, 2025
Proposals will be accepted for large and small equipment and research. Please click here for more information. 
TSET Discovery Grant:  Deadline February 12, 2025
These grants help fund creative solutions to address unique challenges and barriers. 
For additional information go to TSET Discovery Grants
TSET Built Environment Grant:  Deadline February 12, 2025
These grants fund a variety of projects, including the development of comprehensive plans for community parks and trail systems, improvements to community fitness centers and downtowns, and ADA-compliant sidewalks and playgrounds. These infrastructure projects should promote physical activity and nutrition.
For additional information go to TSET Built Environment Grants

Documents to download