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Research News – Monday, July 8, 2024

Published: Monday, July 15, 2024

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Notices and Reminders

REVISED OUHSC Research Incentive Program: The Provost is pleased to announce the launch of a new Research Incentive Program, effective July 1, 2024, designed to support and reward faculty efforts in securing high-level research funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other federal agencies. This initiative program underscores the campus’ commitment to fostering a vibrant research environment, leading health innovation and encouraging outstanding contributions from OUHSC faculty. The Research Incentive Program offers one-time financial incentives for faculty who achieve significant research milestones.  For additional information on the criteria and process please see the attached documents.  This information can also be accessed at our website clicking this link.

Workshops and Seminars

OUHSC Funding Opportunities

Oklahoma Shared Clinical and Translational Resources, Clinical and Translational Research Pilot (CTRP) Grants
Call for Proposals 2024
The Oklahoma Clinical and Translational Science Institute (OCTSI) and Oklahoma Shared Clinical and Translational Resources (OSCTR) is soliciting applications for its Clinical and Translational Research Pilot (CTRP) Grants Program.
Approved CTRP grants will be funded for a period starting January 1, 2025 contingent on NIH approval of just in time (JIT) information. All funds are required to be expended by December 31, 2025. Deadline is Friday, August 6, 2024
The Searle Scholars Program makes grants to selected universities and research institutes to support the independent research of exceptional young faculty in the biomedical sciences and chemistry. Applicants for the 2025 competition are expected to be pursuing independent research careers in biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, immunology, neuroscience, pharmacology, and related areas in chemistry, medicine, and the biological sciences. The 2025 award will be in the amount of $300,000 ($100,000 per year for three years).  OUHSC can submit one application in response to this announcement. Eligible faculty are invited to submit an internal pre-proposal via email to by 5 pm on August 23, 2024.  Details can be found at and in the attached announcement. 
Presbyterian Health Foundation (PHF) Technology Advancement Grant (TAG) Program – Request For Applications
The TAG program replaces the Equipment grant program. The primary objective of the PHF TAG program is to provide partial funding for critically needed research equipment that could be transformative for the research mission at OUHSC. This program is fully aligned with Pillar 1 of the Strategic Plan. The TAG program will proactively and with the help of a committee address campus-wide needs and fill critical gaps, with the goals to grow the research enterprise, expand innovative technology and research infrastructure, and promote addition of new cutting-edge technology on campus. Funding priority will be given to research equipment that will permit OUHSC investigators to be more competitive for external funding and provides support to multiple users. Funds may be used for equipment to be purchased as part of a recruitment package for new faculty or for equipment to support the research of current faculty. If the funds will be used for a new recruit, the recruit must have signed the offer letter with a specific start date or specific start date time frame. Equipment and/or technology funded by PHF is expected to be made available to all researchers at OUHSC, whenever possible. All OUHSC Assistant, Associate, or Full Professors are eligible to apply. Applicants are required to match requested funds. The maximum allowable budget for this program is $500,000 (PHF funding: $250,000; Applicant funding: $250,000). The minimum allowable budget for this program is $60,000 (PHF funding: $30,000; Applicant funding:  $30,000). Only one application will be accepted per investigator per year. 
Presbyterian Health Foundation (PHF) Bridge Grant Program – Request for Applications
Cycle III PHF Bridge Grant Program Deadline: Friday, August 2, 2024
The primary objective of the PHF Bridge Grant Program is to provide funding to enhance OUHSC faculty competitiveness for extramural funding. OUHSC Principal Investigators are eligible if they meet the following criteria: 1) have submitted an extramural application within the past 18 months that was scored but not funded, 2) are requesting over $750,000 in total direct costs and over $200,000 in total facilities and administration (F&A) costs; and 3) received a review that ranks applications and provides critiques. This program can now provide funding for up to $75,000 for one year. Guidelines and Application Form are attached. If you have any questions, please email

NIH Notices 


NOTE: When only one application is allowed per Institution according to the sponsor instructions, a one-page letter of intent summarizing the proposed project should be submitted to the Vice President for Research at least two months prior to the application deadline (unless otherwise noted).  The letters of intent will be reviewed and a single application will be chosen for submission from the University.

NIH Funding Opportunities 


Other Funding Opportunities

NeuroMAP (CoBRE) Pilot Project Program Announcement – Due Date 10/01/2024
The Neuroscience-Based Mental Health Assessment and Prediction (NeuroMAP) Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (CoBRE) is soliciting applications for the Pilot Project Program to the broader community of investigators at Tulsa University (TU), Oklahoma University (OU), Oklahoma State University (OSU), Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF), and Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR), as well as research institutions in other IDEA states (e.g., Arkansas, Kansas, Mississippi, New Mexico). Independent investigators of all ranks are eligible to apply, with priority given to Early Stage and New Investigators.
The Pilot Project Program enables investigators to conduct secondary data analyses on LIBR’s NeuroMAP Core and/or Tulsa 1000 datasets, facilitating: (1) examination of highly novel and yet under-developed hypotheses that may lead to new CoBRE projects in the future; (2) computational and statistical experts to mine the data collected to develop better risk and outcome prediction approaches; and (3) promising results to warrant consideration of an early stage investigator to replace a three-year NeuroMAP Research Project Leader.
Refer to attachment for more complete information.
OCAST (Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology)
Applications are now open for the Industry Innovation and Intern Partnership Programs until July 31st ending at 11:59pm CST.

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