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Research News – Monday, March 17, 2025

Published: Monday, March 17, 2025



A uniform policy for the allocation of research space has been approved by Health Sciences administration and the Research Oversight Committee (ROC) to establish the process for assigning, evaluating, and creating new research space at OUHSC. Research space is defined as wet laboratory or dry laboratory (e.g., office) space used for the performance of research endeavors.  Application of the policy across all OUHSC research and college buildings (OKC and Tulsa) is effective immediately and can help ensure efficient and effective use of existing space and appropriate evaluation of the need for new space.  To access the full policy, please visit: Research Space Allocation Policy.pdf
An Important Note from ORA – this is to notify the campus that the GRANTS team in ORA is currently four people short.   Please be patient and ensure your applications are submitted on time as required while we work through all proposals/requests and acquire new team members. 
Proposal Development, Workshops, Webinars, and Grant Alerts Available to OUHSC Faculty through Hanover Research
Through a new partnership with Hanover Research, OUHSC now has access to expert research grant and contract writing/revision, strategic advising, and education and training which is available to OUHSC faculty at no cost to the college or department. Hanover Research provides customized proposal development, revision, and feedback, and provides assistance in identifying potential sources of funding for a project.  Please see the Hanover Research Services attachment for details. 


Annual Cancer Research Symposium – hosted by the OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center- Friday, April 11, 2025 at the Nicholson Conference Center.  See attached document for complete information.
2025 GREAT Symposium
The 2025 GREAT Symposium will be held April 1-3. The events are listed below. For more information, please visit or contact (attachment included – 2025 GREAT Save the Date_V2)
Pre-GREAT Workshops & Career Panels – February 19 & 26, March 5, 12 & 19
Plenary Sessions – April 1 & 2
STEM Outreach Event – April 1
Oral & Poster Presentations – April 1 & 2
Faculty Flash Talks – April 2
Student & Postdoc Flash Talk Competition – April 3
Vendor Show & Networking Fair – April 3
Awards Ceremony & Closing Reception – April 3                
2025 Oklahoma Geroscience Symposium
Date:   April 8, 2025
Location:  Nicholson Conference Center, 1000 NE 13th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73104
The Oklahoma Nathan Shock Center of Excellence is proud to host the 2025 OKLAHOMA GEROSCIENCE SYMPOSIUM: Inflammation and Lipid Signaling in Aging and Age-Associated Disease. The symposium will feature a Keynote Lecture by David Mangelsdorf, PhD, and other world-renowned speakers in aging and Geroscience research, a Funder’s Roundtable, Poster Session and Trainee/Faculty Mixer.
Save the Date Stewart Wolf Research Day 2025 on May 16, 2025. This event is for trainees to highlight their research from the DOM, and consists of poster and oral presentations, abstract submissions, and a keynote speaker. Please see the attached flyer.
October 10, 2024                          Abstract Submission Opens
March 19, 2025 at 11:59 PM           Abstract Submission Deadline
April 16, 2025                                     Notifications Sent to Presenters about Poster and/or Oral Presentations
May 1, 2025                                        Deadline for Copy of Posters and Oral Presentations to be Submitted
May 16, 2025                                     Stewart Wolf Day Events
For any inquiries or questions about this event, please contact


The Route 66 Endometrial Cancer SPORE invites applications (including renewal and resubmitted applications) for the 2025-2026 cycle of Career Enhancement Program (CEP) and Developmental Research Program (DRP) awards. Investigators from Washington University, University of New Mexico, and University of Oklahoma are eligible to apply.
Flyer is attached and full details may be found here: goal of the Career Enhancement Program (CEP) is to recruit and support early career and established investigators in translational endometrial cancer research. The CEP builds upon existing productive collaborations between outstanding researchers with expertise in translational endometrial cancer at Washington University, University of New Mexico, and University of Oklahoma. We will further enhance these collaborations by providing funding support, didactic training, career development and mentoring to new investigators in the field.
The goals of the Route 66 Endometrial Cancer SPORE Developmental Research Program (DRP) are to support innovative, early-stage research in endometrial cancer, to develop pilot projects to the point of inclusion as full SPORE projects, to increase the number of investigators committed to endometrial cancer, and to diversify the workforce.
Award amounts are up to $50,000 for one year, with budget requests up to $75,000 considered with a unique scope of work and strong justification. Awards may be renewed for a second year contingent on adequate progress, availability of funds, and strategic priorities.   
These applications will need to be routed in SoonerTrack and reviewed by ORA before submission.
College of Medicine Alumni Association (COMAA) - COMAA awards are important resources for funding basic and clinical research projects of new and early-stage investigators in the College of Medicine. The guidelines are included with this notice attached.  Deadline is Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 5:00PM.
Presbyterian Health Foundation (PHF) Bridge Grant Program – Request for Applications
  • Cycle II PHF Bridge Grant Program Deadline: Friday, April 4, 2025
The primary objective of the PHF Bridge Grant Program is to provide funding to enhance OUHSC faculty competitiveness for extramural funding. OUHSC Principal Investigators are eligible if they meet the following criteria: 1) have submitted an extramural application within the past 18 months that was scored but not funded, 2) are requesting over $750,000 in total direct costs and over $200,000 in total facilities and administration (F&A) costs; and 3) received a review that ranks applications and provides critiques. This program provides funding for up to $75,000 for one year. Guidelines and Application Form are attached or can be found at If you have any questions, please email
Presbyterian Health Foundation (PHF) Clinician Scientist Development Grant Program Year 1 – Request for Applications
  • Cycle II PHF Clinician Scientist Development Grant Program Deadline: Friday, April 4, 2025
The primary objective of the PHF Clinician Scientist Development Grant Program is to provide funding to a new or early-stage clinician scientist faculty member. This award is designed to support the applicant’s clinical and/or translational research project and to assist him or her with advancing this research project to a level that will be competitive for funding through a federal career development award mechanism. This program can provide funding for up to two years. The second year of funding will be based on successful achievement of identified milestones, completion of an application for Year Two funds, and whether funds are available.
The Principal Investigator must be an OUHSC primary faculty member with appointment at OUHSC as an Assistant Professor. Fellows are permitted to apply with a letter from their department chair guaranteeing the fellow will hold a faculty position that is not dependent on receipt of the grant at the award start date. New or early-stage clinical scientist faculty members with Temporary Faculty appointments (faculty with academic titles such as instructor, lecturer, or titles modified by prefixes such as visiting, adjunct, clinical, or temporary research appointments with suffix “of Research”) must obtain approval from the Vice President for Research before submitting an application for this program. Approval will require a letter from their Department Chairperson indicating a departmental commitment of salary, research space, and time for development of an independent career at OUHSC.  Requests should be sent to Guidelines and Application Form are attached or can be found at If you have any questions, please email
Presbyterian Health Foundation (PHF) Technology Advancement Grant (TAG) Program – Request for Applications
The TAG program replaces the Equipment grant program. The primary objective of the PHF TAG program is to provide partial funding for critically needed research equipment that could be transformative for the research mission at OUHSC. This program is fully aligned with Pillar 1 of the Strategic Plan. The TAG program will proactively and with the help of a committee address campus-wide needs and fill critical gaps, with the goals to grow the research enterprise, expand innovative technology and research infrastructure, and promote addition of new cutting-edge technology on campus. Funding priority will be given to research equipment that will permit OUHSC investigators to be more competitive for external funding and provides support to multiple users. Funds may be used for equipment to be purchased as part of a recruitment package for new faculty or for equipment to support the research of current faculty. If the funds will be used for a new recruit, the recruit must have signed the offer letter with a specific start date or specific start date time frame. Equipment and/or technology funded by PHF is expected to be made available to all researchers at OUHSC, whenever possible. All OUHSC Assistant, Associate, or Full Professors are eligible to apply. Applicants are required to match requested funds. The maximum allowable budget for this program is $500,000 (PHF funding: $250,000; Applicant funding: $250,000). The minimum allowable budget for this program is $60,000 (PHF funding: $30,000; Applicant funding:  $30,000). Only one application will be accepted per investigator per year.
New Clinical Study Opportunities
Please note this is NOT a solicitation for study subjects
Several Pharmaceutical companies are looking for Principal Investigators to participate in the following clinical studies:
  • A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy\
and safety of Remibrutinib in patients with secondary progressive MULTIPLE
    • Study Aim: To demonstrate efficacy of remibrutinib compared to placebo in
delaying disability progression based on EDSS in patients with nrSPMS (non
relapsing secondary progressive multiple sclerosis)
  • VEXAS clinical study – Novartis
  • Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs),
  • MS
  • Sjogren’s Disease
  • Breast Cancer
  • mCRPC (Metastatic Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer
  • mHSPC (Metastatic Hormone Resistant Prostate Cancer)
  • Pfizer - Request for Proposals (RFP) Integrin beta-6 (IB6) Sigvotatug Vedotin (SV) Translational and Pre-Clinical Research. The intent of this RFP is to support non-interventional Investigator Sponsored Research projects that will advance the understanding of IB6 patterns of expression and clinical outcomes in NSCLC or explore sigvotatug vedotin’s preclinical activity. Due Date: March 20, 2025.
  • Pfizer - New Call for Collaborators in Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) The intent of this CFC is to identify investigators with research ideas who want to partner and co-develop research studies with Pfizer. Due Date March 31, 2025
  • Pfizer - Request for Proposals (RFP) 2025 Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Fellowship – United States. The goal of this RFP is to offer salary support for IBD fellowship programs. Due Date: April 1, 2025
  • Pfizer - New Sickle Cell Disease Fellowship RFP. The goal of this RFP is to support institutions with fellowship programs for hematologists who specialize in treating adults with SCD that also have a strong focus on clinical practice, research, and education to further the understanding of SCD.
Due Date June 12, 2025
Please contact Scott Davis at if you would like to receive more information on any of these studies. The resulting confidentiality and/or clinical study agreement will need to be routed to the Office of Research Administration.


An NIH Guide was not published this week.  We are guessing this is because of the Federal Communication Stop requirement.  We will share NIH Guide information once it is restored.  See attached AAMC document.
NOTE: When only one application is allowed per Institution according to the sponsor instructions, please send a copy of the guidelines to as soon as the PI or department is aware of limited eligibility. ORA will review and provide further instructions regarding next steps in the process.


An NIH Guide was not published this week due to the Federal Communication Stop requirement.  We will share NIH Guide information once it is restored.  

Alert for NIH Fellowship Parent Funding Opportunities with
Due Dates on April 8 and May 7, 2025
We were unable to reissue the NIH parent fellowship funding opportunities to use the new review criteria, FORMS-I forms, and FORMS-I application instructions in time for the April 8 and May 7 (AIDS) due dates.
If applying to a parent Fellowship opportunity (PA-23-260, PA-23-261, PA-23-262, PA-23-263, or PA-23-272) for the April 8 or May 7, 2025 standard due date, you must use FORMS-H application forms and FORMS-H instructions. We will accept candidate biosketches with or without grades for applications submitted using FORMS-H.
If applying to a non-parent Fellowship opportunity (e.g., PAR-25-234, PAR-25-250, PAR-23-109, RFA-OD-24-007, or PAR-25-021), you must use FORMS-I application forms and FORMS-I instructions. 
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Additional Resources: 



Documents to download