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Research News – Monday, September 16, 2024

Published: Monday, September 16, 2024



New OUHSC Policy Effective September 9, 2024: Research-Related Resource Requests
There is a new policy in effect for all research-related requests (e.g., equipment, startup funds, recruitment, retention, etc.).  The full policy is provided as an attachment and below is a summary.  Please circulate as needed to your business manager and faculty.  Your observance of this policy is greatly appreciated.
  1. The faculty member requests research support from their department chair.
  2. The department chair will review and determine the level of support to be provided by the department.
  3. If the chair supports seeking some resources from a Center, if utilized, the chair will coordinate the level of support with the Center Director and include the commitment in the request.
  4. The chair will forward the request including the department and Center commitments to the college dean.
  5. The college dean will review the department and Center commitments and determine the level of additional college support that may be provided.  If commitments from the department, Center and college do not meet the research support needed, then the dean will forward the summary of commitments to the Vice President for Research to request the remaining support.
  6. The Vice President for Research will review all commitments and communicate the request to the Senior Vice President and Provost to determine if additional support will be funded by the university and to what extent.
  7. The Vice President for Research will communicate funding decisions to the faculty member, chair, Center director (if necessary), and dean.
  8. If support is approved, the faculty member will provide draft letters of support to the Office of the Vice President for Research and the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost as applicable.
This policy has been generated and edited by the Office of the Vice President for Research, various chairs of the basic science departments, various deans of colleges, and members of the Provost’s office, including the Senior Vice President and Provost, Dr. Raskob. Please direct any questions to the Office of the Vice President for Research at



The next Oklahoma Data Science Workshop is Friday September 20 at noon via Zoom. This is the Zoom link:      
Speaker: Dr. Jindal Shah, School of Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State University
Title: A Tutorial on XGBoost Machine Learning Algorithm
Abstract: Tree-based machine learning models are very popular for arriving at a prediction based on several Yes/No questions. However, these predictions are quite sensitive to the input data as the underlying tree structure can change dramatically. In a previous Data Science Workshop in April[1,2], the random forest method, which combines predictions from many trees, was discussed. In this upcoming hands-on tutorial, we will introduce a gradient boosting method known as extreme-gradient boosting (XGBoost) that builds successive weak learners based on the error between model output and actual values. We will briefly introduce the decision-tree method and describe the concept of XGBoost. Workshop participants will also have the opportunity to develop an XGBoost model using Python and Google Colab as the Python interface [3].
[2] Link to associated slides, Colab notebook, and data file for the April talk:\_April\_2024/
[3} You need a gmail account and Google Drive to use Colab notebook.
NIH Course: Cryopreservation and Other Preservation Approaches for Animal Models
September 2024 through May 2025 – for additional information go to:
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Second Annual Research Symposium 
Registration is now open for the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences 2024 Research Symposium on Friday, November 22, 2024, at the Samis Center from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. We invite all members of the College of Medicine to join us for this free event. Further details will be shared next month regarding the plenary session, symposia speakers, and the full agenda. If you're interested in attending, please register using the following link by October 22, 2024. For any other questions about this event, please contact
AACI Clinical Trial Workshop (ACW): Developing a Clinical Trial LOI:   A hybrid course designed to educate oncology trainees and junior faculty from any cancer specialty in applying good clinical practice (GCP) and scientific reasoning in effective clinical trial conceptualization and design.  The virtual course component will be taught by experienced clinician faculty and staff from the Ohio State University and the National Cancer Institute (NCI).  Courses start in October 2024.  Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until all slots are filled, or by September 25, 2024.  Additional information can be found at
Neuroscience Symposium 2024 – Call for Abstracts
Deadline: September 16
You are invited to submit abstracts for the Oklahoma Neuroscience Symposium, happening November 15, 2024, at Nicholson Tower, OUHSC. This symposium provides a platform to showcase your cutting-edge neuroscience research to an engaged audience of students, researchers, and professionals from OU and OMRF. Abstract submissions should be a maximum of 300 words, covering any area of neuroscience, including but not limited to brain-machine interfaces, neurodegenerative diseases, cognitive neuroscience, neurotechnology, stroke rehabilitation, behavioral neuroscience, and neuropharmacology. The submission deadline is September 16th, please submit your abstract and register using the Symposium website.
Organized by the OK-INBRE and the OUHSC IRCF, Qiagen will present a one-day training session by Tim Hou, Field Application Specialist, on the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis software. This training session will be held on October 4, beginning at 9AM in BRC109 (see attached flyer). Basic functions of the IPA analysis pipeline will be presented, to give you insight into how to use this important software for your research needs. After lunch (which will be provided), additional sessions on data mining of the IPA database and an ‘Office Hour’ for individual consultation will be available. If you wish to attend, please register (for free) at the URL or use the QR code on the attached flyer.
Robert M. Bird Society Annual Lecture – “Advancing Research and Health Outcomes through Collaboration” – L. Michelle Bennett, PhD – Monday, September 23, 2024 12pm.  For additional information see Attachment.
Department of Medicine (DOM) Research Symposium
Registration is now open for the 2024 Department of Medicine (DOM) Research Symposium, which is scheduled to take place on Friday October 25th in the Samis Auditorium from 9:30am-4:30pm. This a free event that is open to people both within and outside the DOM. The agenda will feature a keynote address by Professor William H. Robinson, MD PhD, Stanford University, a presentation by Professor Prabha Nagareddy, PhD, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, oral presentations from DOM trainees (i.e., Graduate students, Postdoctoral Researchers, Residents and Fellows), and a poster session. Further details regarding the final agenda will be sent in the coming weeks. Please register for the symposium via the following link:
The deadline for registration is Friday September 13th.
For any other questions about this event, please contact Matthew-S-Walters@ouhsc.eduThe 2024 Oklahoma Conference for statistical innovation and application in the era of data science is coming to the OU Hudson College of Public Health on Monday, October 14 and Tuesday, October 15. Registration is now open and includes lunch, snacks, beverages, live presentations, interaction and social networking with speakers, and a copy of the recorded presentations each day! Virtual and in-person session options are available. Special rates for students!
Visit to see the agenda, details and accommodations.  Register here by October 9, 2024
CALLING ALL STUDENTS: The Oklahoma Conference for Statistics, Biostatistics, and Data Science invites students to submit a poster for presentation during the conference on Tuesday, October 15. Two winners will receive a $200 award. Submit your posters to by October 7, 2024.  See attached document.
Harold Hamm Diabetes Center (HHDC) Research Symposium Call for Abstracts - The deadline for Abstract  submission for the HHDC 2024 Research Symposium is Friday, September 20, 2024. Abstracts must be received by 5 p.m. HHDC 2024 Research Symposium will be held on Friday, November 15, 2024, at the Samis Education Center in Children’s Hospital in Oklahoma City. The Symposium will consist of selected oral presentations, and a keynote address by Matthew J. Potthoff, PhD, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, and a presentation by Sue Bodine, PhD, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation and University of Oklahoma Health Sciences.  All abstracts submitted by trainees will be presented as short 5-slide talks at concurrent sessions, and will be recognized with awards, based on panel judges’ review. Eligibility for awards will be restricted to presentations where a trainee (MD fellows, resident, student) or junior faculty member (instructor, assistant professor, post-doc) is the first author and presenting their work. Four abstracts from Junior faculty submissions will be selected for 10-minute talks during the morning sessions, but are not award eligible. In addition to oral presentations, all abstracts may also be presented at the poster reception at the end of the day. For abstract submission guidelines and to RSVP for this free event, please go to:
For questions about eligibility, contact For any other questions about this event, please contact


American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant (ACS-IRG) – Fall 2024 Cycle
Description: The ACS-IRG is a unique source of funding entrusted to Stephenson Cancer Center (SCC) that provides seed money for early-stage faculty interested in cancer-related research - the ACS has provided SCC with supplemental monies that allow support up to two awards.  ACS-IRG funds will provide $60,000 to new/early-stage faculty with Cancer Research pilot projects.
Eligibility Criteria:
  • ASSISTANT PROFESSOR or equivalent level position that holds a Tenure- or Research-track appointment on OUHSC, OU-Norman or OU-Tulsa campus and within SIX years of first independent academic appointment.
  • Without CURRENT grant support from national funding agencies (e.g. NIH, DOD, NSF, ACS).
LOI Deadline: 5:00 PM, Friday, September 20th, 2024 (CST) - Letter of Intent Form
Full Application Deadline: 5:00 PM, Thursday, October 24th, 2024 (CST) - Application Form
Application, Guidelines and more information can be found:   SCC Website
Questions: If you miss the LOI deadline and would like to submit or have any other questions, please contact the SCC Office of Cancer Research at  For assistance with filling out your application submissions, please contact SCC Proposal Services ( For OU Norman applicants, please contact your ORS office.  
Oklahoma Nathan Shock Center: Pilot Award Opportunity
Description: The Oklahoma Nathan Shock Center is soliciting applications to support the research of early-stage investigators, and senior investigators initiating new research programs in aging/geroscience, that can serve as the base for the development of new applications for NIA funding. The projects should utilize services provided by the Oklahoma Nathan Shock Center Cores as described on the NSC website ( The awards range from $5,000 to $20,000 depending on the specific needs of the applicant. Applications from outside the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences, the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, and the Oklahoma City VA Health Care system, as well as collaborative projects with other Nathan Shock Centers are strongly encouraged.
Deadline for Submission: October 18, 2024
Link to the Full Announcement: Please see attached (Oklahoma Nathan Shock Pilot 2024)
Presbyterian Health Foundation (PHF) Clinician Scientist Development Grant Program – Request for Applications
Cycle I PHF Clinician Scientist Development Grant Program Deadline: October 2, 2024
The primary objective of the PHF Clinician Scientist Development Grant Program is to provide funding to a new or early-stage clinician scientist faculty member. This award is designed to support the applicant’s clinical and/or translational research project and to assist him or her with advancing this research project to a level that will be competitive for funding through a federal career development award mechanism. This program can provide funding for up to two years. The second year of funding will be based on successful achievement of identified milestones, completion of an application for Year Two funds, and whether funds are available.
The Principal Investigator must be an OUHSC primary faculty member with appointment at OUHSC as an Assistant Professor. New or early-stage clinical scientist faculty members with Temporary Faculty appointments (faculty with academic titles such as instructor, lecturer, or titles modified by prefixes such as visiting, adjunct, clinical, or temporary research appointments with suffix “of Research”) must obtain approval from the Vice President for Research before submitting an application for this program. Approval will require a letter from their Department Chairperson indicating a departmental commitment of salary, research space, and time for development of an independent career at OUHSC.  Requests should be sent to Applicants must not have had a prior NIH career development award or an independent NIH R01 award; must have an independent clinical and/or translational research project; must have an identified senior, experienced research mentor; and may not have another PHF grant during the duration of this award.  
2025 OK-INBRE Research Project Investigator Awards – Request for Proposals
Deadline: October 31, 2024
The Oklahoma IDeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence (OK-INBRE) is soliciting applications for its Research Project Investigator (RPI) award program.  The purpose of the RPI program is to foster and develop biomedical research programs designed to generate preliminary data that enhances the competitiveness of the investigator for future extramural funding.   Full-time, tenure track faculty members (or equivalent) at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences or the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation who qualify as an Early-Stage Investigator as defined by the NIH are eligible to apply.  Awarded projects will receive up to $100,000 in direct costs per year plus applicable F&A costs for up of two years.  The forms, instructions, and submission information can be found on the OK-INBRE website.  Questions regarding this OK-INBRE funding opportunity can be directed to or Dr. Mark Lang at
Presbyterian Health Foundation (PHF) Technology Advancement Grant (TAG) Program – Request For Applications
The TAG program replaces the Equipment grant program. The primary objective of the PHF TAG program is to provide partial funding for critically needed research equipment that could be transformative for the research mission at OUHSC. This program is fully aligned with Pillar 1 of the Strategic Plan. The TAG program will proactively and with the help of a committee address campus-wide needs and fill critical gaps, with the goals to grow the research enterprise, expand innovative technology and research infrastructure, and promote addition of new cutting-edge technology on campus. Funding priority will be given to research equipment that will permit OUHSC investigators to be more competitive for external funding and provides support to multiple users. Funds may be used for equipment to be purchased as part of a recruitment package for new faculty or for equipment to support the research of current faculty. If the funds will be used for a new recruit, the recruit must have signed the offer letter with a specific start date or specific start date time frame. Equipment and/or technology funded by PHF is expected to be made available to all researchers at OUHSC, whenever possible. All OUHSC Assistant, Associate, or Full Professors are eligible to apply. Applicants are required to match requested funds. The maximum allowable budget for this program is $500,000 (PHF funding: $250,000; Applicant funding: $250,000). The minimum allowable budget for this program is $60,000 (PHF funding: $30,000; Applicant funding:  $30,000). Only one application will be accepted per investigator per year.  ATTACHMENT
New Clinical Study Opportunities
Please note this is NOT a solicitation for study subjects
Several Pharmaceutical companies are looking for Principal Investigators to participate in the following clinical studies:
  • Clinical Study To Further Evaluate The Efficacy Of Dabrafenib Plus Trametinib In Patients With Rare BRAF V600E Mutation-Positive Unresectable or Metastatic Solid Tumors
    • This study is a phase IV, pragmatic single-arm prospective, open label study in pediatric (6 years or older) and adult study participants with rare BRAF V600E mutation-positive unresectable or metastatic solid tumors for whom a decision has already been made to be treated with dabrafenib and trametinib, irrespective of the trial participation
  • Pfizer - Request for Proposals (RFP) Education for Patients and Caregivers Living With Bladder Cancer from Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC) to Locally Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma (la/mUC)
  • Pfizer - Request for Proposals (RFP) PARP-Inhibitor Combination Treatments: Safety and Efficacy in a rapidly changing metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC) landscape
  • Pfizer - Request for Proposals (RFP) Clinical Data Updates and Treatment Management Strategies in First-line ALK-positive Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
  • Pfizer Request for Proposals (RFP) Education in the Era of Emerging Hemophilia Therapy
  • Pfizer - Request for Proposals (RFP) Clinical Data Updates and Treatment Management Strategies in First-line ALK-positive Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
  • Pfizer - Request for Proposals (RFP) ncrease Awareness & Understanding of Emerging Hemophilia Treatment Options
  • Pfizer Independent Medical Education Request for Proposals USP <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding-Sterile Preparations: Ensuring Compliance Now and For the Future
Please contact Scott Davis at if you would like to receive more information on any of these studies. The resulting confidentiality and/or clinical study agreement will need to be routed to the Office of Research Administration.




Administrative Supplements to Promote Diversity in Research and Development Small Businesses SBIR/STTR (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (PA-24-255)
Application Deadline:  Submission dates vary by awarding IC. See Table of IC-Specific Information, Requirements and Staff Contacts for more details.
Urology Centers Program Interactions Core (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (RFA-DK-26-002)
Application Deadline:  November 21, 2024
Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) (U54 - Clinical Trial Optional) (RFA-MD-24-012)
Application Deadline: November 19, 2024



Documents to download