Parent Page: Policies & Forms id: 27373 Active Page: OUHSC Guidance id: 27374

OUHSC Guidance

Most international collaborations are not problematic and are actually encouraged. However, researchers are strongly urged to disclose and be transparent regarding their involvement in activities of this nature.

  • Please reference the Provost Conflict of Interest website for policies, FAQs, and guidance information.  If you have any questions, please email the COI office.
    • Disclose your outside professional activities and financial relationships, whether compensated or uncompensated, using this link. Disclosures must include, but are not limited to, all work for, or financial interests in or received from, a foreign institution of higher education or the government or quasi-government organization of another country. 
    • Comply with all disclosure requirements related to public sharing of your research. These requirements will be detailed by the conflict of interest in research committee if you have a management plan regarding a conflict of interest in research. However, many sponsors, journals, presentations and other publications also have expanded requirements for disclosure.
  • Please reference the Accounts Payable Concur Travel Site for policies, FAQs, and guidance information regarding international travel security and travel to high-risk countries.
  • Please reference the Office of Research Administration website for policies, FAQs and guidance information.
    • Disclose all sponsored projects you may be involved in that include any foreign sources of funding.
      • Report on foreign components (“the performance of any significant scientific element or segment of a project outside of the U.S. either by the recipient or by a foreign organization, whether or not grant funds are expended).” The following are considered foreign components:
        • Research at a foreign site involving human subjects or animals;
        • Extensive foreign travel for the purpose of data collection, surveying, sampling, and similar activities; and
        • Activities that may have an impact on U.S. foreign policy through involvement in the affairs or environment of a foreign country (e.g., through an impact on another country’s wildlife, population, or environment).
      • Federal agencies may also consider the following activities as a foreign component:
        • Collaborations with investigators at a foreign site anticipated to result in co-authorship;
        • Use of facilities or instrumentation at a foreign site; and
        • Receipt of financial support or resources from a foreign entity in connection with performance that occurs at a foreign site
    • As a reminder, report all resources for research. This includes any research support you receive. Examples include, but are not limited to:
      • Financial support from a foreign award for work conducted outside the U.S. and/or outside the investigator’s OUHSC appointment, whether received by an investigator or another organization;
      • Equipment, data or research material provided by and to a foreign organization;
      • Consulting relationships relating to your expertise;
      • Work with visiting personnel who are supported by a foreign organization; or
      • Funds received from a foreign recruitment program (e.g., China’s Thousand Talents Program or other “Talents Programs”).
    • Individual researchers may not make arrangements or commitments without the  involvement, review, and approvals by the appropriate institution and applicable signatory official(s).
  • Please reference the Office for Technology Commercialization (OTC) website for policies, FAQs, and guidance information.
    • Disclose intellectual property to OTC in a timely manner, including any IP that involves international collaborations or involvement.
  • Please reference the Export Controls website for policies, FAQs, and guidance information.
    • Comply with U.S. export control regulations when your work involves publication restrictions, traveling internationally, participating in international collaborations, restrictions from the sponsor or contract, using proprietary information or software, working with international faculty, staff, or students, hosting international visitors, shipping materials internationally, or engaging in international transactions.
    • Compliance with these regulations also require that OUHSC will not host visitors, enter into contracts, do business, or engage in any activity with entities listed on a United States Government Restricted Party List. Export Controls can easily and quickly screen people and entities to ensure they do not appear on any such list.

Click here for a reference chart describing different scenarios and the involved campus offices.