Parent Page: Policies & Forms id: 27373 Active Page: OUHSC Reference Chart id: 27375

OUHSC Reference Chart

If you….
You should….
OU Office Involvement
Have been invited to participate or are currently participating in a foreign talent recruitment program (e.g. foreign 1000 talents program, young scholar 1000 talents plan, etc.), or work with Huawei or a subsidiary of Huawei.

Not proceed or agree to participate

Alert your Department Dean/Chair/Supervisor

Alert Export Controls (

Export Controls (EC) keeps current on any developments in federal guidelines and regulations around foreign talent programs 
Have travel reimbursed or sponsored by a foreign entity, individual or government

Comply with the OUHSC travel policy and submit the trip to Concur

Disclose the relationship in the Conflicts of Interest Form found here

Notify EC of your planned travel

Route any agreements through SoonerTrack

EC reviews international travel and performs necessary screenings and follow up

EC has laptops available for researchers to borrow for HSC related international travel.

The COI Office reviews and screens all disclosures, and works with investigators to complete any necessary reporting to sponsors

Have a foreign entity propose an institutional partnership with OUHSC or a consulting relationship with you

Disclose the relationship here

Route the proposed relationship through SoonerTrack for ORA Review

EC can provide screenings as appropriate for purchases and/or shipments of materials and equipment  

ORA will review and negotiate the correct agreement for this relationship

Have an active or proposed position with, or have been provided with funding  by, a foreign institution

Disclose the relationship here

Route the proposed project through SoonerTrack

ORA works closely with EC, OTC, IBC, IRB, and COI areas to screen, review, and approve international relationships or work  

EC can provide screenings as appropriate for purchases and/or shipments of materials and equipment

Have funding from DOE or DOD Notify ORA prior to starting any international collaboration, related to the research or otherwise DOE and DOD have specific clauses that may limit international collaboration. ORA will work with EC and Legal to identify and negotiate such clauses and with the PI to develop an appropriate management strategy
Have ownership interest in a foreign company Disclose the relationship here The COI Office reviews and works with EC to and screen foreign companies and/or relationships disclosed via the disclosure form
Want to host a visiting scholar, student, tour group, or other individual from a foreign entity

Work with the International Faculty and Staff Services Office to complete any necessary pre-visit paperwork

Contact EC to discuss export control concerns and complete screenings of individuals or entities

The International Faculty and Staff Services Office works with EC and ORA to review H1B and J1 visa applications and works with faculty to ensure they are prepared to host an international student, scholar, or visitor

EC works with the Facilities Access team as necessary to secure labs working on restricted research

EC works with IT as necessary to develop procedures to protect researcher data  

Have concerns or questions about a proposed collaboration or research project?

Contact ORA, EC, the COI Office, or the Compliance Office to discuss your concerns.

To make an anonymous report about possible export control concerns, contact the Confidential Compliance Hotline
(866) 836-3150 (toll free)