Parent Page: Research Support id: 26996 Active Page: Data Analysis id: 29825

Data Analysis

The core facility offers two different workstaions for off-line data analysis:

Workstaion #1 (BRC 1317 on 3st floor):  Dell Precision 5820 installed with:

  • Microsoft Office, Flowjo, Leica LASX, Cell Capture, for IDEAS software for analyzing flow cytometry, Confocal and ImageStream data.

Workstation #2 (BRC 461 on 4th floor):  Dell Precision 490 using win7 64-bit) installed with:

  • Microsoft Office, Flowjo, Volocity, and Metamorph for Flow and image data analysis.

Flowjo site license available for $704/year

Rates OUHSC External Industry
Services with operator assistance $40/ hour $160/ hour $210/ hour
Services without operator assistance (must be trained) $5/ hour $10/ hour $15/ hour
Cancellation Charges (less than 24-hour notice) $35.00    


For online scheduling navigate to iLabs for the core login page:

Minimum appointment time is 15 minutes and anything longer than 4 hours needs approval.

Any problems with iLab calendar read the help manuals below: