Parent Page: Research Support id: 26995 Active Page: Bioanalyzer and NanoDrop id: 32838

Bioanalyzer, NanoDrop, and Qubit

The IRCF Core has multiple instruments for DNA and RNA sample QC.

Agilent's Bioanalyzer 2100 is an automated electrophoresis tool used for checking the the size, quantitaion, and quality of DNA and RNA.  The chips available are for Total RNA, small RNA, RNA Pico (low amounts of Total RNA), DNA, and HS DNA (for low amounts of DNA).

Thermo Scientific's NanoDrop One is a microvolume spectrophotomer with the ability to detect contamination.

Invitrogen's Qubit 4 is a fluorometer which accurately measures the concentration of DNA and RNA.

Sample Submission Instructions


  • Please submit a minimum of at least 5ul of each sample in a DNase/RNase free eppendorf tube.  We will check the OD of your sample before running it on a chip.  It is often best to submit no more that 5ul to eliminate the need to pick up remaining sample.
  • Dilute DNA or RNA to the following recommended sample concentrations:

DNA: 20-100 ng/ul (size range 25-1000bp) or HS DNA: (high sensitivity) 5-500pg/ul

          Total RNA and mRNA: 25-500ng/ul

          Small RNA and Pico RNA: 10-100ng/ul

  • Samples will be processed as quickly as possible, usually within 2 work days.  You will receive a PDF containing your data.
  • The chips are one use only (empty wells cannot be rerun).  Chips for DNA, Total RNA, and mRNA hold up to 12 samples.  Chips for small RNA, Pico RNA, and HS DNA hold up to 11 samples
  • Place DNA samples in our -20 freezer or RNA samples in our -80 freezer.  Both are located in BRC 1106.



  • Please submit 3ul of each sample in properly labeled tubes or plates.  Please do no use flat-bottom plates.
  • Samples will be processed as quickly as possible, usually within 2 work days.
  • Place DNA samples in our -20 freezer or RNA samples in our -80 freezer.  Both are located in BRC 1106.



  • Please submit a minimum of at least 5ul of each sample in a DNase/RNase free eppendorf tube. 
  • This service does not have it's own request form in iLab.  Please contact the Genomics group before requesting Qubit readings.
  • phone: (405) 271-2337


Shipping Address:

Attn: Genomics Core

975 NE 10th St. BRC Room 1106

Oklahoma City, OK 73104

On-line Submission Instructions

Service requests should be made through the OUHSC Core iLab Solutions portal:  Once logged in, navigate to the “Request Services” tab and select the service for your project. 

If you do not have an iLab account, please visit the log-in page listed above and click on the “Register” button in the upper right corner.  For internal users, register using your OUHSC username and Password.


Bioanalyzer Internal External Industry
DNA 1000 $52.00 $74.44 $89.33
HS DNA $82.00 $118.90 $172.41
Total RNA and mRNA $51.00 $72.66 $87.19
RNA Pico $56.00 $80.55 $96.66
Small RNA $72.00 $104.40 $151.38


NanoDrop Internal External Industry
up to 10 samples $7.00 $9.61 $11.54
11-20 samples $10.00 $17.17 $20.60


Qubit Internal External Industry
Qubit $8.00 $10.31 $12.37