Parent Page: Research Administration id: 26722 Active Page: Education & Training id: 27465

Education & Training

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) offers in-person, online, and recorded training and educational opportunities to help researchers and research administrators learn the ins and outs of research administration at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Campus (OUHSC). ORA partners with other OUHSC offices – the Grants & Contracts Accounting Office (GCA), Research Integrity Office, the Office of Compliance, Office of Human Research Participant Protection (HRPP/IRB), the Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC), and others – to offer up-to-date targeted learning in specific areas of proposal submission, compliance, and award management.

Resources listed below can help you enhance your sponsored programs administration knowledge base. Please contact us for additional information or to schedule focused topical sessions.

Required Training

Effective July 1st, 2023, the University is requiring that all business managers, Department Heads, and College Deans on the OUHSC, OU-Norman, and OU-Tulsa campuses ensure that anyone that is currently a Principal Investigator, key personnel, and/or anyone actively conducting research (basic, translational, or clinical) on sponsored research grant awards (including all trainees and personnel involved in reconciling or overseeing funds related to sponsored research grant awards), are required to take the Sponsored Research and Compliance Training. The training should be assigned via ePAF, and is required every four years. This applies to all current employees and new hires. 

NOTE:  Anyone who is assigned Research Integrity Training will be automatically assigned to the Sponsored Research and Compliance Training. If you are automatically assigned, you will receive an email from OnPoint when the training goes live on July 1, 2023. 

Please see below for training handouts. 

Sponsored Research and Compliance Training:

Other required trainings every four (4) years for all OUHSC employees

  • Conflict of Interest (COI) training - Click here for Instructions on how to access this training.
  • Conflict of Interest (COI) in Research training - Click here for Instructions on how to access this training. 
  • Research Integrity training course - Click here for Instructions on how to access this training. 

Moving to OUHSC with Your Grants: An Overview of the Grant Transfer Process

Moving to OUHSC with Your Grants: An Overview of the Grant Transfer Process (September 13, 2023)

The Ins and Outs of Participant Support Costs

The Ins and Outs of Participant Support Costs (April 26, 2023)

Understanding the New NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy

Grants 101 Training

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) presents a basic introduction to HSC process for submitting proposals to external funding agencies and helps identify available resources to assist you in this effort. This session provides faculty and staff with a baseline of knowledge needed to understand proposal basics.  

Grant Writing Assistance

The Office of Vice President for Research (OVPR) in partnership with the Office of Research Administration (ORA) hosts grant writing workshops for faculty who want to build their grant-writing skills. 

NIH Biosketch and Other Support Format Training

NIH, NOT-OD-21-073 and NOT-OD-110 announced updated Biosketch and Other Support format pages and instructions for use in applications, Just-in-Time (JIT) Reports, and Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs).  These training sessions provide faculty and staff with an understanding of the requirements of both components. 

Other Training

  • Profiles (Profiles Research Networking Software) (PDF)
  • Introduction to ASSIST (PDF)
  • Professional Development Training for Researchers (Nature Masterclasses - Accessing the OUHSC Library Institutional Subscription. You will need to register while on the campus network (or VPN) to create a login. Ignore language to request a quote or buy a subscription, and register using the button in the top right hand corner. Once registered, you can use your login from anywhere. )

Sponsored Projects Administration: From Pre-Award to Post-Award Workshop (2024)

Navigating ORA Submission Process

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

SoonerTrack: Electronic Routing System

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Budget Preparation (Including ICA and Subs)

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Just-in-Time Requests: What is required by the Sponsor & ORA? 

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Contracts and Award Negotiation Process 

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Working with Industry 

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Managing Clinical Trials

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Business Associate Agreements (BAAs) and Data Use Agreements (DUAs) - What is the difference?

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Overview of IRB for New Investigators

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Best Practices in Gift Card Management

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Activity Query (SPNSR): What am I Looking at?

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

The Do’s and Don’ts of Re-budgeting  

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Navigating the eCRT System

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Accounts Payable/Purchasing: Ask the Expert

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Project Status Report: What is it saying?

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Best Practices in Grant Management

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Subrecipient Payment Process

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Navigating the World of Sponsored Research: An Overview Workshop (2023)

Navigating the World of Sponsored Research: An Overview (January 26, 2023) 

Preparing NIH Budgets 

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Navigating the ORA Submission Process  

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)


PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Demystifying Outgoing Subawards and Independent Contractor Agreements 

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Data Use Agreements (DUAs) and Business Associate Agreements (BAAs)- What Is the Difference? 

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

What Is F&A and Why Should I Care?

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Post Award Management 

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Contracts Negotiation Process  

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

RPPRs: Making Progress Together for NIH Awards 

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Gift Card Management

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Cost Transfers 

PowerPoint Slides (PDF)


The OUHSC World of Grants Workshop (2019)

The OUHSC World of Grants & Contracts Workshop is an intensive 2-day workshop covering topics related to sponsored programs. This workshop is offered by the Office of Vice President for Research (OVPR) in partnership with the Office of Research Administration (ORA), the Grants & Contracts Accounting Office (GCA), Purchasing Department, Research Integrity Office, and Office of Human Research Participant Protection (HIPPA).