Parent Page: Research Administration id: 27325 Active Page: Reviewing id: 27333

Reviewing a Disclosure

OUHSC policy requires that managers, department, and college (or delegees) review all COI disclosures of their faculty &. Staff disclosures are then routed for review to ORA

To review a COI disclosure:

  • Review the information provided
  • If approved, sign the form in the designated space and forward to the next level of approval

When reviewing a disclosure, it is important to consider the following questions:

  • Do these activities interfere with the individual's commitment to their OUHSC responsibilities?
  • Do the activities use OUHSC resources more than incidentally?
  • Could the activities be perceived as influencing the individual's, or department's, decision making in OUHSC work?
  • Are graduate students, residents, post-doctoral fellows, or professional students involved?