Parent Page: Research Administration id: 26946 Active Page: Industry Research FAQs id: 27318


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


When is a routing form needed and where can I find them?

  • Please click here to see all industry-related forms.  All new industry-related contracts (clinical trial agreements, research agreements, material transfer agreements, and confidential disclosure agreements) will need to be accompanied by the correct routing form.  Routing forms are not required for amendments to existing clinical trial contracts or C-account extensions.

When is a CDA (Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement) required?

CDAs are not a university requirement for incoming information. The ORA will process a CDA when a third-party or company requires a CDA to be signed and completed before they will disclose information to the Principal Investigator (PI).  A CDA should be used if the PI needs to disclose any OUHSC confidential information to a third party.

Who is eligible to serve as a Principal Investigator?

The OUHSC policy on PI eligibility is located here: PI Eligibility

What if I think I might have a conflict of interest?

Please review the information found here where you can find definitions, guidance and disclosure forms regarding Conflict of Interest.  If you believe that you may have or appear to have a conflict of interest, you must disclose at the time of proposal submission.

I need to request an extension on my C-account. How do I do that?

In order to extend a C-account, please submit a Clinical Account Extension Request form to ORA via email to  This is a separate process from extending your study with IRB.

When does my IRB board meet?

Please click here to view the IRB meeting schedule.

Will I be charged an IRB fee?

According to IRB policy, a study may be charged a $2,500 fee.  Please click here to view the IRB’s fees and invoicing policies.

The IRB approved my continuing review and extended the study. Why is my C-account not extended?

In order to extend a C-account, please submit a Clinical Account Extension Request form to ORA.  IRB approval is a separate action and has no effect on your C-account.

Can I sign for the university?

No.  All employees of the University are employees of the State of Oklahoma.  As such, they are subject to University policy and state conflicts of interest rules. University policy prohibits employees from signing contracts individually, if the contracts bind the University or its employees in any way.

What is my indirect cost rate?

Please click here to view the applicable indirect cost rates for clinical trials, public service projects, instructional and training programs, and on/ off campus research grants.

This clinical trial/ project requires tests/procedures to be completed at an outside facility. Do I need purchasing approval?

If the total amount paid to the outside facility for the study-specific tests/procedures exceeds $5,000, approval must be granted by the Purchasing Department.  If the amount is under $5,000 you will still need to complete ORA’s form. Please click here for more information. The Purchasing Department’s website can be found here.